2022 The Israeli Mobile Game Market Report
Download PDFJan, 2023 Declaration2www.socialpeta.com1.Data SourcesWith the assistance of the world’s biggest advertising intelligence and analysis tool, SocialPeta Data Team has provided you withinsights into the mobile advertising data of global games. We collect advertising data by sampling worldwide, covering over 70 channels and nearly 70 countries and regions worldwide, and have captured a total of over 1.2 billion advertising data, with over 1 million ad data being updated by the hour each day. Based on such huge data, we can gain insights into the advertising market trends. 2.Data Cycleand IndicatorsOverall date range of the report: Jan-Jul 2022For specific data indicators, please see the notes on each page.3.Copyright NoticeAlltests,images,andgraphicscontainedinthisreportareprotectedbytherelevanttrademarkandcopyrightlaws.Sometextsanddataarepublicinformationandtheircopyrightsareownedbytheiroriginalcreators.Noorganizationorpersonshallcopyordistribute,inwholeorinpartforanypurpose,anyportionofthisreportwithoutapprovalfromourcompany.Thecopyrightsofallcreativesmentionedinthisreportareownedbytherespectiveadvertisers.AnyunauthorizeduseofthisreportforcommercialactivitiesisabreachoftheCopyrightLawofthePeople’sRepublicofChinaandotherrelevantlawsandregulationsaswellastherelevantprovisionsoftheInternationalConvention.4.DisclaimerTheindustrydataandmarketforecastspresentedinthisreportarebasedonthedatacapturedbySocialPetaDataTe a mandestimatedbyusingastatisticalforecastingmodelcombinedwithresearchmethodssuchasdeskstudyandindustryinterviews.Limitedbytheresearchmethodsanddataresources,thisreportcanonlybeusedasreferencematerial.Ourcompanyshallhavenoliabilityforanydataorpointsofviewinthisreport.SocialPetashallholdnoresponsibilityforanylegalconsequencesresultingfromanyactiontakenbyanyorganizationorindividualbyusingorbasedontheabovedatainformation,andtheorganizationorindividualshalltakefullresponsibilityforanydisputesorlegalliabilitiesarisingtherefrom.
AnalysisofTheIsraeliMobileGameMarket/05AnalysisofTheIsraeliLargeMobileGameCompanies/12Insights into Global MobileGameMarket/22AboutSocialPeta&GameIS/38AnalysisofTo pPerformingAdCreatives/30Content3
Analysis of TheIsraeli Mobile Game Market
Source: The Israeli Video Games Ecosystem5Israeli Mobile Game Market Overview$9 billion in revenue200 companies12 academic programs and coursesSocial/Casual leading investment categoryMobileisthemostpopularplatformforpublishing14000 EmployeesLarge number of notableExits and IPOs
Source: The Israeli Video Games EcosystemData From: AppsFlyer6Analysis of TheIsraeli Mobile Game Publishers15%14%12%9%8%5%37%Global Installation of Israeli Mobile Games in 2021ChinaIsraelRussi aUSViet namUKOther74%15%5%3%2%1%Distribution of Israeli mobile game workers by game genreSocia l/CasualMid/Hard CoreEduc ati onChil dMeani ngfulSports & Ot herIsraeli game companies mostly focus on social andhyper-casual gameswithChina being their biggest marketTop 5 genres of Israeli mobile games published in 2021:1.Casual/Hyper-Casual2.RPG3.Simulation4.Social gambling5.Puzzle
Source: The Israeli Video Games EcosystemData: AppsFlyer, January2020 –July 20217Israeli Mobile Game Market OverviewCOVID-19 pandemic boosted the growth of mobile game marketInstallationIn-App PurchaseDue to the global COVID-19 pandemic, more and more Israeli users started to install mobile games and make in-app purchases. In the post-pandemic era, it has been a habit for most people to entertain themselves by playing games and spending money in game.8.60%13.70%12.90%13.30%17.30%18.50%15.80%7.95%11.68%11.25%15.60%18.07%17.95%17.49%7.00%11.00%15.00%19.00%23.00%01-Jan-2001-Apr-2001-Jul-2001-Oct-2001-Jan-2101-Apr-2101-Jul-21
Source:SocialPeta -APP Intelligence; the data were from App Store & Google Play in Israel, excluding any data from any third-party Android platformsDate Range: Jan-Jul 20228Revenue of Israeli Mobile Games by GenreTop 3 by Revenue on Google PlayTop 3 by Revenue on the App StoreActionandstrategy games generated the highest percentages of revenue. Action games had the highest percentage of revenue on the App Store, while strategy games contributed about 20% of total revenue on Google Play. In terms of total revenue, [Coin Master] developed by the local company Moon Active was the most outstanding, followed by [PUBG Mobile] and [Zynga Poker].17.00%11.63%15.44%19.78%11.92%15.16%9.88%4.86%8.19%10.72%7.62%6.03%7.55%9.77%7.19%5.98%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%OthersSportsBoardSimul ati onPuzzl eRPGCasinoCardAdventureCasualStrat egyActi onApp StoreGoogle PlayPUBG MobileCoin MasterZynga PokerCoin MasterRobloxZynga Poker
Source:SocialPeta -APP Intelligence; the data were from App Store & Google Play in Israel, excluding any data from any third-party Android platformsDate Range: Jan-Jul 20229Downloads of Israeli Mobile Games by GenreTop 3 by Revenue on Google PlayTop 3 by Revenue on the App StoreOn the App Store, casual, actionandsimulationgames were the most downloaded. On Google Play, the top 3 most-downloaded game genres were casual,action and puzzle games.In terms of top game genres, hyper-casual games were the most among top 10 most-downloaded games on Google Play. [Fill The Fridge!] was the top 1 most-downloaded game in Israel.17.88%16.59%14.82%14.03%13.47%10.11%10.76%12.01%5.24%3.31%5.19%4.28%4.84%4.43%4.70%3.72%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%OthersCasinoCardBoardRPGAdventureSportsStrat egyPuzzl eSimul ati onActi onCasualApp StoreGoogle PlayPUBG MobileFill The Fridge!Bridge RaceAirport SecurityCount MastersTwerk Race 3D
102022 Top 20 Israeli Mobile Games by AdvertisingSource: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; advertisers are sorted by their deduplicated creatives within the data range from highto lowDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022iOSAndroid1FishdomPlayrixPuzzle2Two DotsPlaydotsCasual3Rise of KingdomsLilith GamesStrategy4State of SurvivalFunPlusStrategy5Idle HeroesDH GamesRPG6Klondike AdventuresVIZORSimulation7Mafia CityYottaGamesStrategy8BraindomMatchinghamGamesPuzzle9Merge MansionMetacoreGamesSimulation10Club Vegas SlotsBagelcodeCasino11Left to SurviveMY COMAction12Braindom2MatchinghamGamesPuzzle13Tennis ClashWildlife StudiosSports14MatchingtonMansionMagic TavernCasual15Girls X Battle 2YottaGamesRPG16Chief AlmightyYottaGamesStrategy17The Grand MafiaYottaGamesStrategy18Apex Legends MobileElectronic ArtsAction19HomescapesPlayrixPuzzle20FIFA FootballElectronic ArtsSports1Braindom2MatchinghamGamesPuzzle2FishdomPlayrixPuzzle3BraindomMatchinghamGamesPuzzle4ZoobaWildlife StudiosAction5Mafia CityYottaGamesStrategy6War RobotsPIXONICAction7Rise of KingdomsLilith GamesStrategy8HomescapesPlayrixPuzzle9GardenscapesPlayrixPuzzle10Sniper 3DWildlife StudiosAction11Sky WarriorsWildlife StudiosSimulation12TownshipPlayrixSimulation13Age of MagicPlaykotRPG14Kingdom GuardTap4FunStrategy15Demon GodJunHaiGamesRPG16Tennis ClashWildlife StudiosSports17Lords MobileIGGStrategy18The Grand MafiaYottaGamesStrategy19Be The JudgeMatchinghamGamesCasual20Wood Block PuzzleLearningsPuzzle
Analysis of TheIsraeli Large Mobile Game Companies
Source: The Israeli Video Games EcosystemOverview of Israeli game companies or global game companies operated in Israel12Top Israeli Mobile Game CompaniesPlaytikaFounded in 2010;Focuses on social and casino gamesBeach BumFounded in 2015;Focuses on board and casino gamesPlariumFounded in 2009;Focuses on RPGs and strategy gamesHuuugeFounded in 2015 and started business in Israel in 2018, focuses on casualandcasino gamesMoon ActiveFounded in 2012;Focuses on social and simulationgames888Founded in 2015; started business in Israel in 2018; focuses on casualandcasino gamesCrazy LabsFounded in 2010;Mainly develops and publishes hyper-casualgamesSciPlayFounded in 1997; started business in Israel in 2014; focuses on casino and hyper-casual gamesIn the global video game market, Israeli game company is a relatively new player who, however, has made quite a big progress in a very short time. Israeli game companies were obscure in the early 21st century, and now they are top ones that play an important role in the global gaming industry.Israeli Game Companies: Dark Horses in the Global Gaming IndustryIlyonDynamicsFounded in 2014;Focuses on arcade and casual gamesPlaystudiosFounded in 2011; started business in Israel in 2016; focuses on casino and puzzle games
Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; based on advertisers’ numbers of creatives captured and analyzedDate Range: Jan-Jul 202213Large Israeli Game CompaniesHard Core GamesLight/mid core gamesThe Israeli game developer PlariumGlobal, one of the most successful video game studios, has entertained 380 million gamers around the world and totally released over 20 games, ranging from RPGs such as [Vikings: War of Clans] and [Stormfall] to casual games such as [Lost Island: Blast Adventure].PlariumGlobalRAID: Shadow LegendsCardRPGSoldiers Inc: Mobile Warfare4X military strategy/SLGVikings: War of Clans4X military strategy/SLGFamily Zoo: The StoryMatch-3 + XMech ArenaMultiplayer mech shooterLost Island: Blast AdventureMatch-3 + XWord Rangers: Crossword QuestPuzzle: Word
Source:SocialPeta –Advertiser Analysis; the data were from App Store & Google Play, excluding any data from any third-party Android platforms. The creatives were captured by SocialPeta and deduplicated.Date Range: Jan-Jul 202214First Release DateGame’s Release DateDeduplicated Creatives[RAID: Shadow Legends] is a fantasy adventure RPG based on the western myth where players join battles with over a hundred warriors from 16 factions. The game was released in 2019 and then quickly gained popularity in the European and American RPG markets to remain the second best-selling RPG there.The game has accumulated over 50 million downloads and generated about $700 million in revenue. The US market is very important to the game, contributing about 70% of its revenue and 40% of its downloads. And lots of the game’s players are from Russia, the UK and Germany.RAID: Shadow LegendsAug. 2018Feb. 201949.9KPlarium Global’s Representative Game
Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; based on advertisers’ numbers of creatives captured and analyzedDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022150200400600800100012001400160018001/11/151/292/122/263/123/264/94/235/75/216/46/187/27/167/30iO SAndroidMost of its ad creatives were released in North America and Europe, with a peak of nearly 2,000 creatives per dayThe game released an average of 1,100 creatives per day in 2022, and its creatives on Android were 1.6 times that on iOS.The number of creatives on Android was higher but was also evident on the decline, and it was surpassed by the number of creatives on iOS in May this year. Ad creatives for the game were mostly released in North America and Europe, with creatives in America accounting for 7.85%, the highest of all.4.01%4.04%4.42%4.50%5.54%5.88%6.20%6.29%6.35%7.85%Swe denLuxe mbourgAust riaNethe rlandsIta lySpainGermanyCana daAust rali aUSGlobal Advertising Analysis of [RAID]700+1900+
Duration: 71 daysDimensions: 640 * 640Advertising Platform: Advertising Copy:Team up and fight to Win!Collect magic heroes, fight epic bosses, dominate on PvP Arena!PLAY NOW!Click to playSource: SocialPeta-Ad Display, displaying the new and relatively popular creatives within the date range.Date Range: Jan-Jul 2022; Popularity (0-1000) is an overall numerical value related to ad duration, views, and market effect. Creatives with a higher popularity are more competitive.16Estimated Impressions: 515.3KPopularity: 351High-quality CG[RAID]’s creatives are of quality that is way above the industrial standard. When most creatives for RPGs were released in the format of UE, [RAID] had most of its creatives with vivid facial expressions. And Plarium’svideo producing department is very good at combining games and real life, creating high-quality CG to raise the expectation of gamers.[RAID]’s Recently Popular Creative
Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; based on advertisers’ numbers of creatives captured and analyzedDate Range: Jan-Jul 202217Israeli Popular Game CompaniesSocial gambling gamesSimulationgamesAs one of the fastest developing game companies in the world, Moon Active had received totally over 100 million downloads of its mobile games in over 136 countries across the world. The revenue ofMoonActivewas not announced but was believed to be over $1.65 billionin 2021 .In 2020, Moon Active bought the game company Melsoftfor several hundred million US dollars. In 2021, Moon Active received an investment of $300 million led by its existing shareholder Insight Partners. The company is now valued at over $5 billion. The most famous game of the company is [Coin Master], which was outstanding in many markets around the world.Moon ActiveCoin MasterPet MasterFamily IslandMy Cafe
18First Release DateGame’s Release DateDeduplicated Creatives[Coin Master] was released as early as 2010 and has been played for over 11 years. The game raked in a revenue of totally $1.3 billion in 2021 to become one of the 8 games grossing over $1 billion in the world. The game generated most of its revenue from the US which contributed more than half (52.61%) of the game’s total revenue.However, things didn’t always go well for the game. Before December 2018, the game grossed less than $10 million every month.And Moon Active made lots of changes to the game in 2019 andadded the modes of PVP and city construction. Thanks to those elements added, the game’s revenue began to soar.CoinMasterApr. 2016Dec. 201050.5KMoon Active’s Representative GameSource:SocialPeta –Advertiser Analysis; the data were from App Store & Google Play, excluding any data from any third-party Android platforms. The creatives were captured by SocialPeta and deduplicated.Date Range: Jan-Jul 2022
Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; based on advertisers’ numbers of creatives captured and analyzedDate Range: Jan-Jul 202219050010001500200025003000350040001/11/151/292/122/263/123/264/94/235/75/216/46/187/27/167/30iO SAndroidEarly May saw a peak of creatives, with most of its creatives on Google AdsIn 2022, the game had averagely 2,500 creatives a day, with obviously more creatives released on Android than on iOS;The game released relatively more creatives in mid-April and May, recording a peak of creatives in May with as many as over 4,200 creatives in a day;Over 60% of the game’s creatives were released on Google Ads for iOS, and nearly 20% of its creatives were on Google Ads for Android.Global AdvertisingAnalysis of [Coin Master]800+3400+1.64%16.94%4.69%2.86%5.08%4.86%63.93%3.35%3.73%14.46%18.53%18.75%21.77%19.41%OtherUni tyAdsFacebo okInst agramMessengerAudience NetworkGoogl e Ads
Duration: 75 daysDimensions: 720 * 900Advertising Platform: Advertising Copy:⚠Uwaga: gra Coin Master uzależniaNajeżdżaj i atakuj swoich znajomych z serwisów społecznościowych i graj z nimi. Dołącz do przygody!(Polish)Click to playSource: SocialPeta-Ad Display, displaying the new and relatively popular creatives within the date range.Date Range: Jan-Jul 2022; Popularity (0-1000) is an overall numerical value related to ad duration, views, and market effect. Creatives with a higher popularity are more competitive.20Estimated Impressions: 615.2KPopularity: 546Celebrity endorsements are marketing secretDavid Schwimmer, famous for portraying Ross Geller in the sitcom Friends.Theimpactofgaming influencermarketing goes far beyond the clicks and downloads attributed to tracking links.[Coin Master]’s Recently Popular Creative
Insights into Global Mobile Game Marketing
Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: Jan-Jul 202222This year saw a total of 20.2 million mobile game creatives released, a significant decline compared to the same period last year, down 17.8% YoY. There were 52,900 active advertisers, up 4.2% YoY.Despite a significant decline in creatives, there was a rising number of advertisers. And monthly creatives had been increasing from January to July this year, which means advertising competition will be more intense in the second half of the year. 4.0M5.0M6.0M7.0M8.0M10.0 K13.0 K16.0 K19.0 K22.0 K25.0 K28.0 KJanFebMarAprMayJunJulActive Adver tisersActive Cr eative sMobile game advertising was gradually recovering to reach a peak in JulyAnalysis of Global Mobile Game MarketingGlobal Mobile Game Advertisersin Jan -JulCreatives of Global Mobile GamesIn Jan -Jul52.9KYoY ↑4.2%20.2MYoY↓17.8%
Active AdvertisersActive CreativesCasual and puzzle games contributed the most advertisers, while RPGs released the second most creatives.Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: Jan-Jul 202223Casualand puzzlegames contributed the most advertisers and creatives, together accounting for about 1/3 of the advertising of global mobile games. Casual game advertisers increased by 4.36% compared to the same period last year, thanks to the increase of hyper-casual game advertisers.RPGsreported a dramatic decline in advertising, with advertisers dropping by 2.47% YoY and creatives dropping by 1.5% YoY, the biggest decline of all game genres.Analysis of Global Mobile Game AdvertisingPuzzle 12.42%Simulation 9.68%Action 8.47%Arcade 7.04%RPG 6.63%Casual 26.52%StrategyCardCasinoAdventureOtherCasual 17.86%Puzzle 13.47%RPG 12.32%Strategy 9.94%Simulation 9.18%Action 7.57%CasinoCardAdventureBoardOther
Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022246.3 K3.4 K2.8 K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7KCasualPuzzl eSimul ati onActi onRPGArcadeStrat egyCardCasinoAdventureMonthly AdvertisersIn 2022, mobile gameadvertisersper month: 21.9K; monthly creatives per advertiser: 318Among all mobile games, casual gameshad the most monthly advertisers. According to SocialPeta, there were over 6300 casual game advertisers per month, followed by puzzle game and simulation game advertisers.Strategy gameshad 555 monthly creatives, the most among all games’ monthly creatives, mainly contributed by SLG games, one type of strategygames.386 555 378 0100200300400500600CasualPuzzl eSimul ati onActi onRPGArcadeStrat egyCardCasinoAdventureMonthly CreativesGlobal Game Advertising Analysis by Game Genre
Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: Jan-Jul 202225318322 293 307 370 361 387 293 0501001502002503003504004500.0 K5.0 K10.0 K15.0 K20.0 K25.0 KGlobalNorth Ameri caEuropeJapan & Sout hKoreaSouthea st AsiaSouth Ameri caMiddle EastChina ‘s HK, Ma cao& T WMonthly Advert isersMonthly Cre ati vesNorth America still had the most mobile game advertisersMonthly creatives’quantity in Middle East, Southeast Asia, South America were more than the global average creativesMobile game advertisers in North America: 14.5KNorth America had the most average monthly advertisers, which were nearly 15K. Europe recorded the most significant decline in average monthly advertisers, down 14.5% YoY.Average creatives in Middle East: 387Middle East had the highest number of monthly creatives per advertiser, which were 387. Southeast Asia and South America had the most average creatives.Global Game Advertising Analysis by Regions
Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: 2020 -202226Video86.40%Image12.83%Other0.77%17,486KVideo has always been the main formatof mobile game creatives. With the upgrading of global mobile devices and mobile networks, advertiserstend tochoose video creatives as their major advertising formatbecause videos can convey much more information.Video creatives accounted for the highest percentage: Over 86%68.27%69.07%85.19%86.16%18.69%18.21%13.09%11.43%H1 2020H2 2020H1 2021H2 2021Changing trends of video and image creatives over the yearsThe percentage of video creatives continued to riseThe percentage of imagecreatives dropped from 18% to about 12%Percentage of Creatives by Game GenreTotal video creativesPercentageof creatives by game genre
Source: SocialPeta, based on data retrieved from backend data sourcesDate Range: 2021 -202227Mobile game advertisers and creatives on Android accounted for 70% of the total advertisers and creatives.Apple’s new IDFA forced more and more companies to focus their advertising on Android, as a result of which, average creatives per advertiser on Android were 6.1% more than that on iOS.41.54%39.00%27.61%27.50%58.46%61.00%72.39%72.50%0%20 %40 %60 %80 %10 0%Q1 2 021Q2Q3Q4Q1 2 022Q2Percentages of creatives on iOS and Android30%70%Percentage of Advertisers27%73%Percentage of CreativesIn April 2021, Apple introduced its new IDFAInsights into Mobile Games Advertising on iOS & AndroidAndroid333Average quantity of creatives per month in 2022iOS314Average quantity of creatives per month in 2022
28Top 20 Global Mobile Games by Advertising in 2022Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser Analysis; advertisers are sorted by their deduplicated creatives within the data range from highto lowDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022iOSAndroid1FishdomPlayrixPuzzle2Word TripPlaySimpleGamesWord3The AntsStarUnionStrategy4ColoringBook!Doodle MobileBoard5Rise of KingdomsLilith GamesStrategy6EvertaleZigZaGameRPG7The Grand MafiaYottaGamesStrategy8Block PuzzleDoodle MobilePuzzle9歡樂大東家EWORLDSimulation10State of SurvivalFunPlusStrategy11ResortopiaDH GamesSimulation12Mafia CityYottaGamesStrategy13Two DotsPlaydotsCasual14Purrfect TaleDH GamesSimulation15Wordle!Lion StudiosWord16Kingdom GuardTap4FunStrategy17Last FortressIM30Strategy18聖樹喚歌新连信息RPG19Dynasty Legends 2TaiheInteractiveRPG20AnimalRestaurantDH GamesSimulation1Scatter SlotsMurkaCasino2Pharaoh’s SlingerDheeraj mauryaCasino3Jackpot World™Bole GamesCasino4The Grand MafiaYottaGamesStrategy5Treasure AnubisApp Keep StudioCasino6Mafia CityYottaGamesStrategy7Lords MobileIGGStrategy8Kingdom GuardTap4FunStrategy9Tiles HopAmanotesCasual10Wolf AdventureTatinc5Casino11LotsaSlotsBole GamesCasino12Rise of EmpiresIM30Strategy13Coin PetASIA YUTAI NETWORK LIMITEDCasino14EvonyTop GamesStrategy15Rise of KingdomsLilith GamesStrategy16SunlightsKiwi TechnologiesCasino17Cash Frenzy™Bole GamesCasino18The AntsStarUnionStrategy19FishdomPlayrixPuzzle20GarenaFree FireGarenaAction
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Ad CreativesDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022Live-action creatives are very popular in America. There’s a big difference between creatives in China and in America.Live-action creatives are a popular choice because they are very convincing. There are mainly two types of live-action creatives: gaming strategy recommendation and live-action scenarios. Both Chinese and American game publishers value live-action creatives, but there are some obvious differences:American game publishers prefer KOL creativeswhile global publishers in China prefer live-action scenario creatives.RAID: Shadow LegendsHard-core card RPGEvonyHot-selling SLGClick to playClick to play30Popular Creatives for American Games
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Ad CreativesDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022The creatives value the expression of graphics, focus on displaying character voice, modeling, character settings.Gachamechanic has become the main source of revenue for Japanese games. Whether it’s a bishōjogame or an otomegame, the advertising creatives would highlight the characters’ concept art, voice, and settings. For different gameplays, character skills or background stories would be displayed, so users would remember and like the characters more.ウマ娘プリティーダービーBishōjoand idol-makingあんさんぶるスターズ!!MusicOtome,music, and idol-makingClick to playClick to play31Popular Creatives for Japanese Games
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Ad CreativesDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022The creatives highlight the game tech through the details of game scenes and characters오딘: 발할라라이징Lineage WClick to playClick to play32Popular Creatives for South Korean GamesMMO mobile games have become the most unique game genre in South Korea, with their distinctively realistic graphics and vast backgrounds demonstrating the features of open-world and next-generation games in South Korea. Creatives for those games are usually long-form videos of game scenes switching, showing the advanced game technologies.
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Ad CreativesDate Range: Jan-Jul 2022Gameplays remain the core of creatives, and creatives ending with a failure are no longer trending.Creatives for hyper-casual games are mainly about gameplays, trying to attract more gamers by showing how entertaining the gameplays are.Many creatives used to lure gamers into playing the games by displaying stupid game controls. Now users are very familiar with the advertising pattern, so most creatives for hyper-casual games end with a success to highlight how original and entertaining the games are.Click to playMrBulletLion Studios33Trends of Hyper-Casual Game Creatives in H1 2022Sculpt peopleCrazy LabsMergeGrabberVoodooClick to playClick to play
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser AnalysisDate Range: Jan-Jun 2022Strategymobile game creatives are designed witha lightweight gameplayRecently, strategymobile games would add some casualor puzzlegameplays, such assnake, matching, and merge, trying to attract more gamers by featuring “less difficult to start” and “entertaining”.Usually these games’ creatives would include guidance of options to be made, and changing numbers or forced failures would beused to attract people to download and play the games.Puzzles & SurvivalThe Grand MafiaLords MobileClick to playClick to playClick to play34Trends of Strategy Mobile Game Creatives in H1 2022
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser AnalysisDate Range: Jan-Jun 2022RPG creatives weremostly short videos, attempting to make the gamesa more popular topic of conversationon the platforms.RPGs are mostly hardcore. To attract gamers’ attention, RPG creatives are generally about stories or contents of the games. Withthe great popularity of short video apps, advertisers started to design high-quality short video creatives, mainly including fake VLOG, short plays by influencers, game stories acted out by real people, etc.,taking advantage of short-video platforms to improve creatives’ impressions and games’ popularity.LifeAfterThần Vương Chi MộngEpisode Click to playClick to playClick to play35Trends of RPG MobileGameCreatives in H1 2022
投放TOP10Source: SocialPeta -Advertiser AnalysisDate Range: Jan-Jun 2022Simulationgames addeddrama(helping the mother and her kids or the girl) to the creatives.Such creatives are usually combined with easier gameplays, such as match-3, merge, numerical selection, etc., using “sympathy” and “newbie friendly”to attract female users.Some effective and high-quality creatives, such as repairing ratty house for the mother and her kids, have been used as game themes to launch many decoration games.Family Farm Adventure MatchingtonMansionMyHomeClick to playClick to playClick to play36Trends of Simulation Mobile Game CreativesinH12022
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TheIsraeliindustryisarelativenewcomertotheglobalvideogamesscenebuthasreachedsignificantaccomplishmentswithinashortperiod.Ithasgrownfromanascentindustryintheearly2000stoonethathasproducedsuccessstoriesonaglobalscale.In2021,itsrevenueswereestimatedat$8.6bn.Comparedto2016,whereindustryrevenuesstoodat$1bn.,therehasbeenanimpressiveaverageyearlygrowthof54%,withrevenuesincreasingbyabout760%overthelastfiveyears.Moreover,theIsraelivideogamesindustryinIsraelisaflourishingmarketwithgreatpotential.In2021,Israelwashometosome190companieswitharound14,000employees.Comparedto2017,theindustry’semployeesnumberedsome4,000employees.Thismarksa250%increaseinhumanresourcesandanaverageannualgrowthof38%.Inaddition,therehasbeenan11%growthinthenumberofcompaniesduringthistime.Israel’svideogamesindustryisfacingsignificantchallengesasitstrugglestomaximizeitspotentialwithalackoffundingandashortageofhumanresources.AsstartupsthriveinIsrael,theyarenotenoughinvestorstocomprehendandevaluatetheindustry’sfullpotentialandnotenougheducationalprogramstocreatethemuch-neededhumanresources.GameISwasestablishedin2009toassisttheindustrywiththoseproblems.ItcontinuestodaytohelpnourishtheIsraelivideogameecosystembyaddressingthoseissuesandworkingwithalltheplayersintheIsraelisector.GameIS–A non-profit organization that has been promoting the Israeli digital games industry since 2011https://www.gameis.org.il/40