Apptica x UGC Ninja: Creative analytics
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To p U G C s o l u t i o n s f o r To p 5 v e r t i c a l s>1 month rotation**Geo: USTop 5 verticals*x* as per number of active applications in App Store and Google Play** a creative was active for more than 1 month within a specific ad network
Q3, 2023 Total number of advertisers: 54,9K (-7%) 22K Android: 32,9K Overview of AdvertisingQ3, 2022 Total number of advertisers: 59K. iOS: 18,4K Android: 40,6K advertisers During 2023 there is a slight growth of advertisers number. •Q1, 2023 – 52K •Q2, 2023 – 54K However, Q3, 2023 shows a downward trend compared to Q3, 2022 with 59K advertisers (-7%).Apptica x UGC Ninjax
Total number of creatives: 15,2 M •iOS: 4,9 M (32%)
•Video (80%) •Images (18%)
•Video (69%)
Number of advertisers. State of the verticals. The most active advertisers in terms of numbers are within the gaming vertical, entertainment and lifestyle. All 3 top verticals have shown an upward trend. Finance, Shopping, Education and F&D have suffered a drop of ad activity. Business, Social, H&F have enjoyed a slight growth in numbers.Apptica x UGC NinjaQ3 | 2022 Q3 | 2023 x
Top verticals in the USA. Q3, 2023 Downloads. To t a l : 4.68B (-3% drop vs Q3, 2022) Revenue. To t a l : 6.5B USD (-9% drop vs Q3, 2022) Apptica x UGC NinjaDownloads. Q3, 2023 Revenue. Q3, 2023x
State of the advertising in the USA. Q3, 2023 Total number of advertisers: 24,9K Maximum number of creatives per advertiser: 452K Average number of creatives among Top-10 advertisers (distribution share): 53,9K Average number of ad networks among Top-10 advertisers (distribution share): 9 Apptica x UGC Ninjax
•BusinessTOP 5 Verticals iOS / ANx*all creatives in this report are available on click
Tools | Top’sApptica x UGC Ninja•Android 183K•iOS 142KSmart CleanerGoogleGrammarlyx
•Adapt trends for your product;
•It’s important to ensure that the content is relevant and appropriate to the brand image and values.UGC: Be trendyUse organic trends to tell your story.•Using trends can help to increase brand awareness, engagement, virality, and connection with an audience.Apptica x UGC NinjaxWatch
Lifestyle | Top’sApptica x UGC Ninja•Android 103 K•iOS 239KMoonlyEverclearCobblex
•Look for some charisma and show emotions.
•Describe the relevant problem in the fi rst seconds, solve it with the product in the next.Adding a live person to the picture makes
your video more native.•Show the person and the product,
show the result of use.UGC: Simple storyxWatch
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Gaming | Top’sApptica x UGC Ninja•Android 290К•iOS 152KWordscapesBingoCandy Crushx
Simple slide shows or stock videos can work as wellUGC: Voiceovers•Use text layovers •Use cli ff hangers •Use popular music •Use creators that your users would likexWatch
Education | Top’sApptica x UGC Ninja•Android 332K•iOS 219KSimply SingHeadwayElsax
•Bring the strongest points/key features
•Text overlays are an e ff ective way to communicate a message and call to action in a TikTok ad.Tell your stories via text layovers.•They allow conveying information without relying solely on audio, which is important since many TikTok users watch videos without sound.
•Don’t forget about the safe zone.UGC: Text layoversxWatch
Business | Top’sApptica x UGC Ninja•Android 207K•iOS 122KInvoice flyJob swipeEverlancex
•Sketches work best when they are short, simple, and to the point, with a clear message or call to action.The unique presentation of the creator is the key
to a non-standard presentation of your app in the creative.•The style of the sketch should be consistent with the brand image and values and should be designed to appeal to the target audience.
UGC: SketchesxWatch
UGC approaches can help scale your creativity without stretching your resourcesx
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