Bandai Namco Group FY2024 Q1 Earnings Release

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Aug, 2024 Bandai Namco GroupInformation Meeting
Fiscal Year Ending March 2025
First Quarter Result Presentation
August 8, 2024

FY2024. 3
First Quarter Results FY2025. 3
First Quarter Results Vs. Previous Year’s
Net sales 224.8280.6+55.8
Operating Profit 27.944.0+16.1
Recurring Profit 32.749.0+16.3
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 21.7
Capital Investments 6.9
Depreciation 6.4
Advertising Expenses 10.9
Personnel Expenses 22.4
(billion yen)
Results in First Quarter of FY2025. 3

FY2024. 3
First Quarter Results FY2025. 3
First Quarter Results Vs. Previous
Year’s Results
Segment sales 68.0 106.3
Segment profit 2.6 14.7
Toys and Hobby
Segment sales 120.3 132.8
Segment profit 23.6 26.9
IP Production
Segment sales 14.9 17.5
Segment profit 1.0 2.4
Segment sales 28.2 33.0
Segment profit 3.1 2.7
Segment sales 8.0 8.3
Segment profit 0.4 0.3
Elimination and Corporate
Segment sales -14.9 –
17.3 -2.4
Segment profit -3.0 –
3.2 -0.2
Net sales 224.8 280.6
Operating profit 27.9 44.0
(billion yen)
Results in First Quarter of FY2025. 3 by Segment

Results in First Quarter of FY2025. 3 by Segment
Entertainment Unit
Digital BusinessHome console games:
・ELDEN RING downloadable content
More than five million books in first three days of sale
・Repeat title sales volume: 8.14 million
Network content:
・Major app titles continued to do well in Japan and overseas
・New app THE IDOLM@STER Gakuengot off to a great start
Toys and Hobby Business Products for the mature fan base, such as model kits,
are performing well.
・Trading card games, capsule toys, and confectionery products, and food products areperforming well.
→ Expansion in touch points for each category, global business development

IP Production Unit
Amusement Unit
・Expansion in countries and regions
where Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom is shown in theaters
Related products and services also popular
・Video distribution and licensing business for main IP products did well
・Solid sales of live events and related goods
・Bandai Namco Cross Store, activity facilities did well → Sales of existing -store in Japan increased 5.9% YoY
・New products in amusement machines are performing well,
but differences in the lineup compared to the previous year
have had an impact.
Results in First Quarter of FY2025. 3 by Segment

(billion yen)
・Effective portfolio management with diverse IP, broad business base
・Initiatives to reinforce the earnings base and popular products in each business have led to strong performance.
Results in First Quarter of FY2025. 3 – Key points
FY2024. R
First Quarter Results FY2025. R
First Quarter Results Vs. Previous Year’s Results
Change (%)
Net sales 224.8280.6+55.8124.8%
Operating Profit 27.944.0+16.1 157.3%
Recurring Profit 32.749.0+16.3 149.9%
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 21.7
34.0+12.3 156.3%

Revise our sales and profit forecasts to reflect 1Q results, recent business
trends and 2Q marketing plans for products and services
Forecast for First Half of FY2025. 3
(billion yen)
FY2024 . 3First Half Results FY2025. 3
First Half Plan
(as of May 2024) FY2025. 3
First Half New Forecast Vs. Previous Year’s Results
Vs. Previous
Change (%)
Net sales 502.0515.0
110.6% +40.0
Operating Profit 65.455.0
125.3% +27.0
Recurring Profit 73.957.5
119.0% +30.5
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 52.1
115.1% +20.0
Expect record-high earnings in the first half of the year

FY2024 . 3First Half Results FY2025. 3
First Half Plan
(as of May 2024) FY2025. 3
First Half New Forecast Vs. Previous
Year’s Results Vs. Previous
Segment sales 174.3 180.0
200.0+25.7 +20.0
Segment profit 15.5 13.0
27.0+11.5 +14.0
Toys and Hobby
Segment sales 249.8 2,50.0
275.0+25.2 +25.0
Segment profit 45.7 39.0
IP Production
Segment sales 33.3 38.0
38.0+4.7 ±0
Segment profit 2.3 6.0
6.0+3.7 ±0
Segment sales 59.2 60.0
65.0+5.8 +5.0
Segment profit 6.9 4.5
5.5-1.4 +1.0
Segment sales 16.0 16.0
16.0±0 ±0
Segment profit 0.6 0.3
0.3-0.3 ±0
Elimination and Corporate
Segment sales -30.7 –
29.0 -39.0 -8.3 -10.0
Segment profit -5.7 –
7.8 -6.8 -1.1 +1.0
Net sales 502.0 515.0
555.0+53.0 +40.0
Operating profit 65.4 55.0
82.0+16.6 +27.0
Forecast for First Half of FY2025. 3 by Segment
(billion yen)

Forecast for First Half of FY2025.3 Compared to Initial Plan
FY2025. 3
First Half Plan
(as of May 2024) FY2025. 3
First Half New Forecast FY2025. 3
First Half Plan
(as of May 2024) FY2025. 3
First Half New Forecast
515.0 +20.0 +25.0
0 ±
0 ±
0 +1.0
(billion yen)
■Net sales ■
Operating Profit
DIG :Digital
TH :Toys and Hobby IPP
.:IP Production
AM .:Amusement
and Corporate Elimination
and Corporate

Plan to revisit forecasts in light of:
・Changes in external environment
・Sales of major title planned for 3Q
・Christmas and New Year selling season trends for major products
Earnings Forecasts for FY2025.3
No change in full-year plans
FY 2025.3
Full- year Plan
(as of May 2024)
Net sales
Operating Profit 115.0
Recurring Profit 119.0
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 81.0
(billion yen)

Reinforcement of title development and marketing structure
Entertainment Unit Trends in the Digital Business
Developing games thoroughly and extending their sales over time
・Decide whether to proceed based on overall business perspective and portfolio strategy before starting
・Strengthen resource allocation and schedule management in development while ensuring quality
・Consolidate Group studio expertise
・Manage global marketing with unified approach in Japan and the U.S., strategically allocate resources
under development “DRAGON BALL Sparking! ZERO”

Introduce new product BANDAI CARD GAMES(trading card game)
Trends in the Toys and Hobby Business Entertainment Unit
Focus on low -age group
・Expand lineup in each category and global development
・Rapidly commercialize diverse IP
Model kits
Established IP + popular IP commercialization Aim to enhance presence
in trading card games, digital cards

Anime second phase
Trends in the IP Production Business and the Amusement Business
IP Production Unit Amusement Unit
VR videos/global distribution
Asia tour of live eventsLantis
in charge of the theme song
Stores serving as touchpoints for IP and products in
Japan and overseas are performing well
under development “THE IDOLM@STER TOURS” Activity facilities also doing well


Bandai Namco exists to share dreams, fun and
inspiration with people around the world.
Connecting people and societies in the enjoyment of
uniquely entertaining products and services,
we’re working to create a brighter future for everyone.

Note on Projections
This document contains forward looking statements and information related to the Bandai
Namco Group that are based on our knowledge as well as various assumptions made on the
basis of information currently available. The words “forecast,” “plan,” “target,” “estimation,”
“projection,” “intend,” “will” and similar expressions, as related to the Group, are intended to identify forward looking statements and information. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in such forward- looking statements.
This document is a translation of the Japanese original. Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. provides this
translation for your reference and convenience only and without any warranty as to its accuracy or otherwise. In the event of any discrepancy, the Japanese original shall prevail.
©Bandai NamcoEntertainment Inc./ © 2024 FromSoftware ,Inc .THE IDOLM@STER &©Bandai NamcoEntertainment Inc.©創通・サンライズ ©創通・サンライズ・MBS ©バードスタジオ/集英社・ 東映アニメーション ©Bandai NamcoEntertainment Inc.
© 尾田栄一郎/集英社 ©尾田栄一郎/集英社・フジテレビ ・東映アニメーション©バードスタジオ/集英社・東映アニメーション ©創通 ・サンライズ ©Nintendo・Creatures ・GAMEFREAK・TVTokyo ・ShoPro ・JRKikaku©Pokemon ©バードスタジオ/ 集英社・東映アニメーション ©BANDAI ©TSUBURAYA PRODUCTIONS ©BANDAI©BANDAI®&© 2024 BANDAI ©BANDAI ©2024石森プ
ロ・テレビ朝日・ADK EM・東映
© 創通 ・サンライズ ©創通・ サンライズ ©SOTSU・SUNRISE Gundam:Requiem forVengeance usesUnreal® Engine.Unreal® isatrademark orregistered trademark ofEpic Games, the United StatesofAmerica andelsewhere. Unreal®Engine,Copyright 1998–2023, EpicGames, Inc.All rights reserved .©2013 プロジェクトラブライブ ! ©2017 プロジェクトラブライブ!サンシャイン!!
© 2020 プロジェクトラブライブ! 虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会 ©2022 プロジェクトラブライブ! スーパースター!!©プロジェクトラブライブ!蓮ノ空女学院スクールアイドルクラブ ©金城宗幸・ノ村優介・講談社/ 「ブルーロック」製作委員会©大森藤ノ・青井 聖・講談社/「杖と剣のウィストリア 」製作委員会©おしおしお・講談社/日野南高校シカ部
& ©Bandai NamcoEntertainment Inc.©Michiharu Kusunoki/Kodansha Ltd.All rights reserved .GAME ©Bandai NamcoAmusement Inc.All trademarks andcopyrights associated withthemanufacturers, vehicles,models,tradenames, brandsandvisual images depicted inthis game arethe property oftheir respective owners,andused withsuch permissions . ©窪岡俊之 THE
IDOLM@STER & ©Bandai NamcoEntertainment Inc.©Bandai NamcoAmusement Inc.©Bandai NamcoAmusement Inc.

Bandai Namco GroupInformation Meeting
Fiscal Year Ending March 2025
First Quarter Result Presentation
August 8, 2024