Capcom FY2023 Earnings Release
Download PDFMay, 2024 0 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 0 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Capcom Co., Ltd.
(TSE Prime, 9697)
FY24/3 Earnings Summary
FY25/3 Overview of Strategies and Plans
1 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Forward -looking Statements
Strategies, plans, outlooks and other statements that are not historical facts are based on assumptions that use information cur rently
available and reasonable judgments. Actual performance may be significantly different from these statements for a number of r eas ons.
In the entertainment industry, which includes Capcom, performance may be highly volatile because of diverging user needs and oth er
changes in market conditions.
Factors that can affect Capcom’s performance include: (1) the number of hit titles and sales volume in the Home Video Game Bu sin ess,
which accounts for the majority of sales; (2) progress in developing home video games; (3) consumer demand for home video gam e c onsoles;
(4) sales outside Japan; (5) changes in stock prices and exchange rates; (6) alliances with other companies concerning produc t d evelopment,
sales and other operations; and (7) changes in market conditions; (8) natural disasters, disease outbreaks, economic crises a nd other
unforeseeable events. Please note that this is not a complete list of factors that can influence Capcom’s operating results.
page Contents
1. Major Takeaways …P2
2. Growth Strategies …P3
3. FY24/3 Results & FY25/3 Forecasts …P11
4 . Business Segments Highlights …P14
5. Competitive Edge …P20
6. Supplement:
Financial Position Summary,
Major Financial Information Summary
2 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
◼ FY24/3 Earnings Results
• Highest net sales and operating income in Capcom history
Net sales: ¥152.4 billion ( + 21% yoy ), OP: ¥57 billion ( + 12% yoy )
• Revenue and profit up in all three primary business segments
• FY23 asset impairments total ¥10.5 billion
• EPS: ¥103.71 ; ROE: 24.4%
• Increase year -end dividend to ¥43, full -year dividend totals ¥70
Dividend payout ratio: 33.7%
◼ FY25/3 Full -year plan
• Continue to target 10% OP growth
• Expect results to be weighted to H2 due to release timing of new titles
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
(100 million yen)
1. Major TakeawaysH1 YoY H2 YoY FY YoY H1 YoY H2 YoY FY YoY
Net sales 749 53% 774 1% 1,524 21% 570 -2 4 % 1,080 39% 1,650 8%
Operating income 338 55% 232 -2 0 % 570 12% 200 -4 1 % 440 89% 640 12%
Operating margin 45.2% – 30.0% – 37.5% – 35.1% – 40.7% – 38.8% –
Ordinary income 361 57% 232 -1 8 % 594 16% 190 -4 8 % 440 89% 630 6%
Net income attr ibutable to owner s of the par ent 252 57% 180 -1 2 % 433 18% 140 -4 5 % 320 77% 460 6%
25/3 Plan 24/3 Results
3 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(100 million USD)
2 – 1. Growth Strategies (Market Overview) (1)
◼ Video Game Market Market set to
break $250 billion
E: Estimate, Source : Data prepared from International Development Group
Mobile Contents
Game apps for mobile
phones, tablets, etc.
PC Online
Video games for PC
Video games for dedicated
home video game consoles
◼ Global video game market forecast to grow379 403 405 422 433 437 470
429 458 466 475 478 478 480
1,362 1,392 1,462 1,534 1,592 1,638
22 23 24 (E) 25 (E) 26 (E) 27 (E) 28 (E)
PC オンライン
4 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
E: Estimate Source: Newzoo Global Games Market Report, 2023. Free Version
(million people )
(CY )
Global game player population
*Total of segments exceeds total of overall market due to overlap between segments
2 – 1. Growth Strategies (Market Overview) (2)
◼ Global game player population expected to grow beyond 3.3 billion people
• Video games now mainstream entertainment
• Estimate 1.5 billion people in Capcom’s primary target markets of PC and Console3,064 3,168 3,305
21 22 23 (E)
5 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
◼ Medium -term Management Objective
• Maintain goal of annual OP growth (10%), driven by strengthened global sales
• Develop peripheral and stable businesses to create synergies with Consumer business
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (1)
(100 million yen)
(FY )120 136 160 181
77 88 109 125
16/3 17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 25/3
Operating Income
Net Income
6 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Character, Media, Mobile, eSports
CS New
CS Catalog
◼ Medium -Term Growth
• Medium term : Grow global sales with focus on Consumer catalog title expansion
• Long term : Pursue Consumer growth and synergies with related businesses to
strengthen earnings base
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (2)
Consumer Sub -segment
Bolstering new title pipeline and digital sales
Strengthening global expansion of catalog titles
Character, Media, Mobile, eSports
Build these businesses to grow brands
Amusement Equipments, Arcade Operations
Link with CS, stable earnings base Stable earnings
Growth driver
Vital for sales expansion
Pursue synergies with CS +
Future growth options
Growth driver
Source of long -term sales
Medium term Long term
CS catalog titles
CS new titles
7 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
◼ Consumer sales volume growth
• Grow via enhanced digital sales; maintain high ratio of catalog title sales
• Long -term goal: 100 million annual unit sales
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (3)
Total unit sales
(ten thousand units)
Physical unit sales
Digital unit sales
Catalog sales ratio
(FY )
E: Plan1,500
2,440 2,530 2,550
16/3 17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 25/3(E) 46.7% 45.4% 45.1%
8 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (4)
◼ Global catalog title growth via PC platform support and digital marketing
• Sold 292 titles in 235 countries/regions via leveraging the PC platform (*FY24/3)
• Steadily grew sales volume in each area compared to FY20/3
• Promoting sales growth strategy by enhancing data analysis of each country/region
◆ FY24/3 Consumer Video Game Unit Sales by Country
( countries/regions )
Key Annual Unit
Sales FY20/3 FY24/3
1,000,000 + 4 8
100,000 + 15 28
1,000 + 64 71
100 + 46 54
Under 100 86 74
Total 215 235
9 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (5)
◼ Reference: Unit sales volume by area (5 years)
• All areas steadily growing
• Developing areas such as Asia, Middle and South America, and the Middle East
in particular grew more than double
Displayed results are approximate figures that have been rounded. As such, percentage growth versus previous years may not ma tch the displayed figures, and totals for regions may not match annual totals.
(thousand units )20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 5yr Growth
Results Share vs. prev. Results Share vs. prev. Results Share vs. prev. Results Share vs. prev. Results Share vs. prev. FY19 → 23
Total 25,500 100% 101% 30,100 100% 118% 32,600 100% 108% 41,700 100% 128% 45,893 100% 110% 180%
① N. America 9,000 35% 89% 10,700 36% 119% 11,700 36% 109% 12,600 30% 108% 13,900 30% 111% 155%
② Europe 6,000 24% 93% 7,050 23% 114% 7,800 24% 111% 8,000 19% 103% 9,500 21% 118% 153%
③ Asia 4,000 16% 99% 3,550 12% 82% 3,890 12% 109% 7,700 18% 199% 9,100 20% 118% 209%
④ Japan 4,050 16% 110% 5,750 19% 142% 5,500 17% 96% 8,200 20% 149% 7,790 17% 95% 192%
⑤ Cen./South A merica 1,500 6% 163% 2,300 8% 139% 2,800 9% 122% 4,200 10% 150% 4,450 10% 104% 266%
⑥ Oceania 350 1% 112% 350 1% 95% 480 1% 137% 600 1% 130% 650 1% 109% 185%
⑦ M. East 150 1% 65% 180 1% 124% 250 1% 137% 340 1% 133% 400 1% 120% 270%
⑧ Africa 40 0% 111% 40 0% 106% 50 0% 109% 60 0% 122% 80 0% 134% 189%
10 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
◼ Long -term sales of high -quality titles
• Major IP contribute long -term, both as new titles and on into high -margin catalog sales
(ten thousand units)
Resident Evil 7 biohazard 8 consecutive years of over 1 million units in sales Monster Hunter: World Highest -selling title in Capcom history Resident Evil 4 Anticipate further sales going forward
*Includes sales of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition .
Sales numbers rounded down to 10 thousand units. As of March 31, 2024.
2 – 2. Growth Strategies (Medium – Term Goals) (6)17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 Cummulativeunit sales
Resident Evil 7
biohazard 350 160 120 100 150 180 120 130 1,330
Monster Hunter: World* 790 450 450 230 170 140 280 2,530
Resident Evil 2 420 240 160 140 220 200 1,390
Monster Hunter World:
Iceborne 520 240 140 100 230 1,260
Resident Evil 3 390 110 190 170 870
Monster Hunter Rise 480 410 370 190 1,470
Resident Evil Village 610 180 180 980
Monster Hunter Rise:
Sunbreak 540 220 770
Resident Evil 4 370 330 700
Street Fighter 6 330 330
Dragon’s Dogma 2 260 260
Continue to
contribute as
catalog titles
11 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
3. FY24/3 Results & FY25/3 Forecasts (1)
(100 million yen)
◼ Earnings Trend / Forecast (Consolidated)
◼ FY24/3 Results
• Net sales + 21%, Operating Income + 12%, 11 consecutive years of profit growth
• FY23 asset impairments total ¥10.5 billion
• Net income + 18% due in part to contributions from FX gain (non -operating income)
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Forecast 12 consecutive years of operating profit growth
• EPS forecast: ¥109.98
• Dividend forecast: interim ¥18, year -end ¥18, full -year total ¥36
*With an effective date of April 1, 2024, Capcom performed a 2 -for -1 split of its common stock.
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
Net sales 815 -18% 953 17% 1,100 16% 1,259 14% 1,524 21% 1,650 8% 125
Operating income 228 26% 345 52% 429 24% 508 18% 570 12% 640 12% 69
Operating margin 28.0% – 36.3% – 39.0% – 40.3% – 37.5% – 38.8% – –
Ordinary income 229 26% 348 52% 443 27% 513 16% 594 16% 630 6% 35
Net income at t ribut ablet o owners of t he parent 159 27% 249 56% 325 31% 367 13% 433 18% 460 6% 26
12 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Adjustments include unallocated corporate operating expenses. The corporate operating expenses, which do not belong to any reportable segments, mainly consist of administrative expenses. YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
(100 million yen)
◼ FY24/3 Results
• 10% + increase in net sales and profit YoY in three primary business segments
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Forecast YoY growth in all business segments driven by Digital Contents
◼ Earnings Trend / Forecast (by segment)
3. FY24/3 Results & FY25/3 Forecasts (2)20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
815 -18% 953 17% 1,100 16% 1,259 14% 1,524 21% 1,650 8% 125
Digital Contents 599 -28% 753 26% 875 16% 981 12% 1,198 22% 1,250 4% 51
A rcade Operations 120 10% 98 -18% 124 26% 156 26% 193 24% 220 14% 26
A musement Equipments 65 91% 70 9% 57 -19% 78 36% 90 16% 127 41% 36
Other Businesses 30 17% 30 1% 43 43% 43 0% 42 -4% 53 26% 10
228 26% 345 52% 429 24% 508 18% 570 12% 640 12% 69
Digital Contents 241 4% 370 53% 453 23% 535 18% 598 12% 669 12% 70
A rcade Operations 12 11% 1 -88% 6 338% 12 88% 18 52% 21 12% 2
A musement Equipments 20 – 24 15% 23 -3% 34 46% 41 20% 48 17% 6
Other Businesses 5 -33% 9 81% 15 54% 14 -6% 8 -38% 16 81% 7
A djustments* -51 – -59 – -69 – -87 – -96 – -114 – -17
28.0% – 36.3% – 39.0% – 40.3% – 37.5% – 38.8% – –
229 26% 348 52% 443 27% 513 16% 594 16% 630 6% 35
159 27% 249 56% 325 31% 367 13% 433 18% 460 6% 26
Ordinary income
Net income attributable
to owners of the parent
Net sales
Operating income
Operating margin
13 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
*Adjustments include unallocated corporate operating expenses. The corporate operating expenses, which do not belong to any r epo rtable segments, mainly consist of administrative expenses. YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
(100 million yen)
◼ FY24/3 Results
• Results weighted in H1 due to new title launches such as Street Fighter 6
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Anticipate weighted H2 due to release timing of new titles in Digital Contents
◼ H1 / H2 Outlook (by segment)
3. FY24/3 Results & FY25/3 Forecasts (3)H1 YoY H2 YoY FY YoY H1 YoY H2 YoY FY YoY
749 53% 774 1% 1,524 21% 570 -24% 1,080 39% 1,650 8%
Digital Contents 612 70% 585 -6% 1,198 22% 415 -32% 835 43% 1,250 4%
A rcade Operations 91 25% 101 23% 193 24% 103 12% 117 15% 220 14%
A musement Equipments 25 -14% 64 34% 90 16% 31 19% 96 50% 127 41%
Other Businesses 18 -29% 23 36% 42 -4% 21 11% 32 38% 53 26%
338 55% 232 -20% 570 12% 200 -41% 440 89% 640 12%
Digital Contents 345 58% 253 -20% 598 12% 222 -36% 447 77% 669 12%
A rcade Operations 11 67% 7 35% 18 52% 11 -3% 10 35% 21 12%
A musement Equipments 17 4% 23 37% 41 20% 11 -38% 37 58% 48 17%
Other Businesses 6 -51% 2 54% 8 -38% 6 -2% 10 271% 16 81%
A djustments* -41 – -54 – -96 – -50 – -64 – -114 –
45.2% – 30.0% – 37.5% – 35.1% – 40.7% – 38.8% –
361 57% 232 -18% 594 16% 190 -48% 440 89% 630 6%
252 57% 180 -12% 433 18% 140 -45% 320 77% 460 6%
Net sales
Operating income
Net income attributable to
owners of the parent
Operating margin
Ordinary income
24/3 25/3 Plan
14 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(100 million yen)
Digital license indicates income from providing content etc. to online platforms. Deferred revenue primarily indicates the va riance between deferred revenue and reversed revenue stemming from the release of free download content that typically follows the release of a full game. YoY indicates percent c han ge from the same term of the previous year.
4 – 1. Digital Contents (1)
◼ Digital Contents Business Earnings Trend / Forecast
◼ FY24/3 Results
• Sales and profit rose due to major new title contributions and favorable catalog sales
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Forecast 10% + profit increase due to ongoing global expansion of digital sales
◼ Units Sales by Hardware (thousand units)20/3 Share 21/3 Share 22/3 Share 23/3 Share 24/3 Share 25/3 Plan Share Difference
8,650 34% 8,000 27% 10,900 33% 17,750 43% 21,604 47%
11,900 47% 15,150 50% 13,700 42% 19,550 47% 19,748 43%
4,950 19% 6,950 23% 8,000 25% 4,400 11% 4,541 10% 3,400 7% -1,141
PC units (digital)
Package units
Console units (digital) 20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
599 -28% 753 26% 875 16% 981 12% 1,198 22% 1,250 4% 51
Consumer breakdown
129 -64% 208 61% 300 44% 180 -40% 193 7% 144 -25% -49
426 -5% 480 13% 533 11% 773 45% 969 25% 1,066 10% 97
26 – 30 15% 9 -70% 70 678% 73 4% 22 -70% -51
555 -31% 688 24% 833 21% 953 14% 1,162 22% 1,211 4% 49
-22 -19 – 38 – 47 –
44 91% 65 48% 42 -35% 28 -33% 35 25% 39 11% 4
241 4% 370 53% 453 23% 535 18% 598 12% 669 12% 70
40.3% – 49.1% – 51.8% – 54.5% – 49.9% – 53.5% – – Operating margin
Digital sales (incl. digital license)
Digital license portion
Consumer total
Deferred revenue portion
Mobile Contents
Operating income
Net sales
Package sales
15 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(units in thousands)
New titles: titles released in the current fiscal year; Catalog titles: titles released in the previous fiscal year or earlie r. Includes distribution titles. YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
◼ Consumer Unit Sales
◼ FY24/3 Results
• Overseas, digital, catalog growth drove results
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Forecast highest -ever 50 million total units due to increase in new and catalog unit sales
4 – 1. Digital Contents (2)Difference
Titles sold /
sales regions
0.8% 18.0% 8.3% 27.9% 10.1% 8.9% 4,107
Share YoY Share YoY Share YoY Share YoY Share YoY Share YoY
Overseas units 21,450 84.1% -0.7% 24,350 80.9% 13.5% 27,100 83.1% 11.3% 33,500 80.3% 23.6% 38,103 83.0% 13.7% 41,500 83.0% 8.9% 3,397
Japan units 4,050 15.9% 9.5% 5,750 19.1% 42.0% 5,500 16.9% -4.3% 8,200 19.7% 49.1% 7,790 17.0% -5.0% 8,500 17.0% 9.1% 710
Digital units 20,550 80.6% 34.3% 23,150 76.9% 12.7% 24,600 75.5% 6.3% 37,300 89.4% 51.6% 41,352 90.1% 10.9% 46,600 93.2% 12.7% 5,248
Physical units 4,950 19.4% -50.5% 6,950 23.1% 40.4% 8,000 24.5% 15.1% 4,400 10.6% -45.0% 4,541 9.9% 3.2% 3,400 6.8% -25.1% -1,141
Catalog units 18,200 71.4% 28.2% 20,500 68.1% 12.6% 24,000 73.6% 17.1% 29,300 70.3% 22.1% 36,297 79.1% 23.9% 37,000 74.0% 1.9% 703
New units 7,300 28.6% -34.2% 9,600 31.9% 31.5% 8,600 26.4% -10.4% 12,400 29.7% 44.2% 9,596 20.9% -22.6% 13,000 26.0% 35.5% 3,404
Primary titles
Monster Hunter Stories (port)Monster Hunter Stories 2:
Wings of Ruin (port) Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
Monster Hunter: World
Resident Evil 2
Devil May Cry 5Street Fighter V
Resident Evil 7 biohazard
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Resident Evil 7 biohazard
Resident Evil 2 Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter RiseResident Evil 7 biohazard
Resident Evil 2 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Resident Evil 3
Monster Hunter Rise
Resident Evil 2Resident Evil 3
Devil May Cry 5 Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil 7 biohazard
Resident Evil 4 Monster Hunter: World Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Resident Evil 2
Monster Hunter Rise
Contunue to grow catalog unit sales via key brands: Resident
Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Dragon’s Dogma, etc.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Monster Hunter Rise Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil Village Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Resident Evil 4
Street Fighter 6
Dragon’s Dogma 2 MegaMan Battle Network Legacy Collection
(Vol. 1 & Vol. 2)
292 / 235
45,893 50,000 41,700
unit sales 25,500 30,100 32,600
305 / 220 301 / 216 304 / 219 307 / 230
2024/3 2025/3 Plan 2023/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3
16 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Resident Evil 4
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Plan to grow catalog unit sales via key brands: Resident Evil ,
Monster Hunter , Street Fighter , Dragon’s Dogma
• Monster Hunter Stories and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of
Ruin to release on additional platforms on June 14
• All -new IP Kunitsugami : Path of the Goddess to launch in 2024
• Additional information will be announced at a later date regarding
FY25/3 major title launches currently in development
◼ FY24/3 Results
• 15 titles each achieved 1 million + units in sales
(FY23/3: 9 titles)
• Monster Hunter series surpassed 100 million
units in sales cumulatively
Figures in the above list reflect totals that include ports to additional platforms following initial title release.*1 Includes sales of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition *2 Total figure for MegaMan Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 *3 FY24/3 units include Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
4 – 1. Digital Contents (3)
Dragon’s Dogma 2
Kunitsu -Gami : Path of the Goddess
• FY24/3 Unit Sales Ranking (thousand units)
*3Title 24/3 Lifetime
Resident Evil 4 3,392 7,026
Street Fighter 6 3,305 3,305
Monster Hunter: World 2,810 25,325
Dragon’s Dogma 2 2,622 2,622
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 2,305 12,600
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 2,290 7,747
Resident Evil 2 2,023 13,973
Monster Hunter Rise 1,995 14,734
Resident Evil Village 1,835 9,803
Resident Evil 3 1,700 8,772
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen 1,684 7,521
MegaMan Battle Network Legacy Collection 1,640 1,640
Devil May Cry 5 1,373 8,164
Resident Evil 7 biohazard 1,304 13,394
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy 1,205 3,341
17 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(100 million yen)
◼ FY24/3 Results
• Same store sales (FY cumulative): 114%
• Opened total of 4 stores,
including Puri Mart / Capsule Lab Sannomiya
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Same store sales forecast (FY cumulative): 102%
openings: 7 stores, closings: 0 stores, FY total: 56 stores
• Will pursue efficient operations at existing stores while aiming to attract new customers
with store openings
4 – 2. Arcade Operations
◼ Arcade Operations Earnings Trend / Forecast
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
Puri Mart / Capsule Lab
◼ Arcade Operations Number of Stores / Customer Trend
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
Net sales 120 10% 98 -18% 124 26% 156 26% 193 24% 220 14% 26
Operating income 12 11% 1 -88% 6 338% 12 88% 18 52% 21 12% 2
Operating margin 10.0% – 1.5% – 5.3% – 7.9% – 9.7% – 9.5% – –
Same store sales 103% – 78% – 119% – 120% – 114% – 102% – – 20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
New stores 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 7 3
Closed stores 0 – 0 – 1 – 2 – 0 – 0 0
Total 40 8% 41 3% 42 2% 45 7% 49 9% 56 14% 7
Guests (1,000 ppl) 9,106 5,754 -37% 7,157 24% 8,535 19% 9,979 17% –
18 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
◼ FY24/3 Results
• 31,300 total units sold, three new machines launched including smart pachislo Sengoku
BASARA GIGA and Biohazard Village
• Increase in sales channels with EC sales, profitability improved
◼ FY25/3 Forecast
• Plan to launch machines that use popular Capcom IP in multiple sales channels
• Pachislo unit sales forecast: 41,500 total units, 4 new machines
(100 million yen)
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year. Includes catalog title sales.
◼ Amusement Equipments Earnings Trend / Forecast
◼ Pachislo Sales Volume
4 – 3. Amusement Equipments
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
New titles 1 – 3 – 3 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 1
Sales (t housand unit s) 20.0 156% 27.0 35% 26.0 -4% 44.0 69% 31.3 -29% 41.5 33% 10.2 20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
Net sales 65 91% 70 9% 57 -19% 78 36% 90 16% 127 41% 36
Operating income 20 – 24 15% 23 -3% 34 46% 41 20% 48 17% 6
Operating margin 31.9% – 33.9% – 40.8% – 44.0% – 45.6% – 37.8% – –
19 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(100 million yen)
◼ Other Businesses Earnings Trend / Forecast
◼ Character Contents, eSports/Media strategy
• Character business to continue pursuing tie -ups and
events with major game series, including the Monster
Hunter series 20 th anniversary
• In eSports, aim to further invigorate the international
Capcom Pro Tour following the 2023 season while
expanding awareness of the Street Fighter 6 brand
• Media business will increase focus on production of
content, including live -action Street Fighter film, as part
of critical strategy to expand sales of titles globally
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year. Beginning FY23/6, business results for Media have been inc orporated with eSports. This change has been reflected in the above full year FY24/3 plan and business results for previous years.
4 – 4. Other Businesses
$1 million USD grand prize
awarded at Capcom Cup X20/3 YoY 21/3 YoY 22/3 YoY 23/3 YoY 24/3 YoY 25/3 Plan YoY Difference
30 17% 30 1% 43 43% 43 0% 42 -4% 53 26% 10
Character 26 – 26 0% 34 31% 39 15% 36 -8% 47 31% 11
eSports/Media 4 – 3 -25% 9 200% 3 -67% 5 67% 6 20% 1
5 -33% 9 81% 15 54% 14 -6% 8 -38% 16 81% 7
Character 18 – 17 -6% 22 29% 28 27% 24 -14% 31 29% 7
eSports/Media -12 – -7 – -7 – -13 – -15 – -15 – 0
18.0% – 32.4% – 34.7% – 32.9% – 21.0% – 30.2% – –
Operating income
Operating margin
Net sales
20 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
Resident Evil series: 157 million units Monster Hunter series: 100 million units
Street Fighter series: 54 million units
Sales of Resident Evil 4 pass 7 million units in approximately 1 year
New Street Fighter 6 character Akuma to be released in May 2024
Monster Hunter Wilds scheduled to launch in 2025
5 – 1. Competitive Edge (Development/Tech/IP)
*Cumulative sales as of March 31, 2024
◼ World -class game development technology and capabilities
• Capcom consistently creates hit titles backed by 40 years of
development experience
• A global leader in game development technology, Capcom is equipped
with cutting -edge game studios and R&D facilities
• Capcom produces world -class quality efficiently utilizing its proprietary
game development tools, the RE ENGINE
・ Mega Man series 41 million units
・ Devil May Cry series 31 million units
・ Dead Rising series 16 million units
・ Dragon’s Dogma series 11 million units
◼ Globally -acclaimed Major IP (Cumulative sales and Brand Use Examples)
21 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
(100 million yen, people)
(thousand yen)
Overall compensation/Average annual salary trend
• Overall compensation (non -consolidated, permanent employees)
• Average annual salary (non -consolidated, permanent employees)
5 – 2. Competitive Edge (Personnel Investment) (1)
◼ Personnel Investment Strategy
• Bolstering investment in human capital to enhance long -term sustainable corporate value
• Hiring 100 + people into development workforce annually (major future competitive strength)
Stock -based compensation is on a market price conversion basis (points ×end -of-period share price); 1 point = 1 share. Bonuses recognized on accrual basis. Includes compensation for new employees for each year. YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year. Avg.
Amt. Amt. YoY Amt. YoY Amt. YoY Amt. YoY YoY
12,054 14,463 20% 16,699 16% 17,910 7% 18,828 5% 12%
6,266 7,187 15% 8,259 15% 9,133 11% 9,461 4% 11%
– – – 457 – 548 20% 20% Approx. 200 points ×
EOY share price
21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 25/3 plan
Operating income
per employee
Annual salary
per employee
Stock-based compensation
per employee Avg.
Amt. Amt. YoY Amt. YoY Amt. YoY Amt. YoY YoY
Net Sales 953 1,100 16% 1,259 14% 1,524 21% 1,650 8% 15%
Operating Income 345 429 24% 508 18% 570 12% 640 12% 17%
Salary + Bonus 179 213 19% 251 18% 291 16% 321 11% 16%
Avg. number of employees 2,870 2,967 3% 3,043 3% 3,187 5% 3,399 7% 4%
21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3 25/3 plan
22 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
5 – 2. Competitive Edge (Personnel Investment) (2)
◼ Promoting diversity and providing a comfortable working environment
• By 2029, aim to achieve 88% or better ratio in male -to -female wage gap,
85% or better ratio of male employees taking paternity leave
• Carrying out educational seminars regarding health, mental health, harassment prevention
etc., on an ongoing basis
◼ Employee Engagement Survey Results
Ratio of employees who provided “somewhat applies to me” or more positive responseIndicator 23/3 24/3
・I bring ingenuity to my work 88.7% 88.3%
・If needed, I go beyond my assigned responsibilities at work 76.0% 76.4%
・I enjoy myself while doing my current job 70.9% 69.6%
・I feel an attachment/familiarness with my company 77.5% 78.1%
・Being able to work at my company has been good for me 85.6% 86.2%
・Working for my company has been positive for my life 86.2% 85.4%
Work engagement (proactiveness/positive feelings for job)
Employee engagement (attachment to company, etc.)
23 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
6 – 1. Supplement: FY24/3 Financial Position
◼ FY23 Balance Sheet/Statement of Cashflows (Summary)
Deferred income of approx. ¥600 million consists primarily of revenue from Street Fighter 6 that was deferred until the release of DLC.
We anticipate this revenue will gradually be recognized in net sales by the end of FY2024.
(100 million yen)
(100 million yen)
YoY indicates percent change from the same term of the previous year.
Statement of Cashflows
Balance Sheet20/3 Yo Y 21/3 Yo Y 22/3 Yo Y 23/3 Yo Y 24/3 Yo Y Difference
Cash flows from operating activities 222 – 146 – 469 – 217 – 369 – 151
Net income before income taxes 228 – 348 – 443 – 511 – 592 – 81
Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts receivable – trade -21 – -90 – 172 – -171 – -0 – 170
Decrease (increase) in work in progress for game software -42 – -32 – -67 – -73 – -7 – 65
Decrease (increase) in deferred revenue 61 – -10 – 20 – -37 – -48 – -11
Cash flows from investing activities -84 – -42 – -74 – -76 – -59 – 17
Cash flows from financing activities -63 – -69 – -99 – -224 – -159 – 65
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 530 – 596 – 640 – 956 – 894 – -61
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 596 – 640 – 956 – 894 – 1,090 – 196 Assets 20/3 Yo Y 21/3 Yo Y 22/3 Yo Y 23/3 Yo Y 24/3 Yo Y Difference
Cash on hand and in banks 656 24% 712 9% 1,072 51% 1,021 -5% 1,251 23% 230
Notes receivable – trade & Accounts receivable – trade 159 14% 250 57% 79 -68% 250 216% 253 1% 2
Work in progress for game software 212 25% 244 15% 311 28% 385 23% 390 1% 5
Others 406 3% 429 6% 409 -5% 516 26% 538 4% 22
Total assets 1,434 16% 1,637 14% 1,873 14% 2,173 16% 2,434 12% 261
Notes and accounts payable – trade & Electronically recorded monetary liabilities 58 14% 37 -37% 36 -3% 55 54% 43 -22% -11
Deferred income 76 383% 66 -13% 89 34% 54 -39% 6 -87% -47
Others 302 8% 325 8% 283 -13% 452 60% 433 -4% -18
Total liabilities 437 26% 429 -2% 408 -5% 562 38% 483 -14% -78
Total net assets 997 12% 1,207 21% 1,464 21% 1,611 10% 1,950 21% 339
Total liabilities and net assets 1,434 16% 1,637 14% 1,873 14% 2,173 16% 2,434 12% 261
24 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
6 – 2. Supplement: Major Financial Information (1)● Profit and Loss Sheet (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
Net Sales 815 -18.4% 953 16.8% 1,100 15.5% 1,259 14.4% 1,524 21.0% 1,650 8.3%
Gross Profit 409 10.0% 527 28.8% 613 16.3% 738 20.4% 846 14.7%
Margin (%) 50.2% – 55.3% – 55.7% – 58.6% – 55.5% –
Sales and G&A Expenses 181 -5.0% 181 0.1% 184 1.4% 230 25.0% 275 19.8%
Operating Income 228 25.8% 345 51.6% 429 24.0% 508 18.4% 570 12.3% 640 12.1%
Margin (%) 28.0% – 36.3% – 39.0% – 40.3% – 37.5% – 38.8% –
Ordinary Income 229 26.2% 348 51.8% 443 27.2% 513 15.9% 594 15.7% 630 6.0%
Margin (%) 28.1% – 36.6% – 40.3% – 40.8% – 39.0% – 38.2% –
159 27.1% 249 56.3% 325 30.6% 367 12.9% 433 18.1% 460 6.1%
Margin (%) 19.5% – 26.1% – 29.6% – 29.2% – 28.5% – 27.9% –
● Sales and Profit by Business Segments (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
Net Sales 599 -27.8% 753 25.6% 875 16.2% 981 12.1% 1,198 22.1% 1,250 4.3%
Operating Income 241 3.6% 370 53.1% 453 22.6% 535 18.0% 598 11.8% 669 11.8%
Margin (%) 40.3% – 49.1% – 51.8% – 54.5% – 49.9% – 53.5% –
Net Sales 120 9.5% 98 -18.4% 124 25.7% 156 25.8% 193 23.9% 220 13.7%
Operating Income 12 10.5% 1 -87.7% 6 337.6% 12 88.2% 18 52.2% 21 12.4%
Margin (%) 10.0% – 1.5% – 5.3% – 7.9% – 9.7% – 9.5% –
Net Sales 65 90.9% 70 8.5% 57 -18.9% 78 35.7% 90 15.6% 127 40.8%
Operating Income 20 – 24 15.4% 23 -2.5% 34 46.2% 41 19.9% 48 16.6%
Margin (%) 31.9% – 33.9% – 40.8% – 44.0% – 45.6% – 37.8% –
Net Sales 30 17.2% 30 0.9% 43 43.4% 43 -0.1% 42 -3.6% 53 26.1%
Operating Income 5 -32.9% 9 81.4% 15 53.7% 14 -5.5% 8 -38.4% 16 81.2%
Margin (%) 18.0% – 32.4% – 34.7% – 32.9% – 21.0% – 30.2% –
Net income attributable to owners of the parent
Digital Contents
Arcade Operations
25 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section
6 – 2. Supplement: Major Financial Information (2)●Promotional Expense (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
42 -22.5% 31 -25.3% 35 11.4% 52 49.5% 73 39.7% 93 25.8%
●Number of Stores (stores)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
40 8.1% 41 2.5% 42 2.4% 45 7.1% 49 8.9% 56 14.3%
●Capital Expenditure (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
23 -4.1% 35 53.8% 37 5.3% 96 154.1% 66 -30.9% 98 47.3%
●Depreciation (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
27 -13.4% 27 -0.1% 33 21.3% 34 1.6% 42 22.8% 54 27.9%
●Number of Employees (people)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
2,988 5.5% 3,152 5.5% 3,206 1.7% 3,332 3.9% 3,531 6.0% 3,792 7.4%
Consolidated Developers 2,142 5.4% 2,285 6.7% 2,369 3.7% 2,460 3.8% 2,675 8.7% 2,843 6.3%
●R&D Investment Cost (100 million yen)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
258 -4.4% 253 -1.8% 298 17.7% 377 26.3% 430 14.1% 535 24.3%
●Foreign Exchange Rate (end of March)
2020/3 YoY 2021/3 YoY 2022/3 YoY 2023/3 YoY 2024/3 YoY 2025/3 plan YoY
108 -2.7% 110 1.9% 122 10.9% 133 9.0% 151 13.5% 135 -10.6%
119 -4.0% 129 8.4% 136 5.4% 145 6.6% 163 12.4% 145 -11.0%
R&D Investment Cost