Female Gamers in Asia

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Oct, 2022| Silicon Valley • Shanghai • London • Bangkok • Jakarta | © Niko Partners
Female Gamers in Asia
Version for Women in Games Asia Panel
Gamescom Asia 2022
October 2022

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia2

A majority of the data in this report is proprietary Niko data and was collected via survey by accessing a panel of survey respondentsacrossChina,Japan,
Korea, Chinese Taipei, Philippines,Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and India
• For China data, Niko conducted an online survey of 2,400 gamers in tier 1 to tier 5 cities with forced quotas for each city tier .For all market surveys outside of
China for this report, Niko surveyed 4149 gamers, approximately 410 respondents from each market, and delivered the survey in the local language
• Survey respondents were asked complete approximately 60 questions over 20 -25 minutes to ascertain data on demographics, purchasebehavior,
preferences, sentiment, intentions, and other relevant data. Survey respondents were randomized and survey responses were collected fromindividuals
who identified as”gamers”: those who own a mobile device, computer, or video game console and have played games onthat device at least once in the
past 30 days
• Niko conducted further qualitative analysis using open-source, reputable third -party data sources to gather additional data thatcan be found within this
• In order to maintain like comparisons, all data for this report was drawnfromNiko’s 2021 pool of data, which is the most recen tdata available at time of
publication for certain markets covered in this report
• A further breakdown of our methodology can be made available upon request
Get complete insights and an in-depth breakdown of Asia’s female gamer
market, including gaming, esports, and streaming, along with market size
and potential in the
paid version of the report here .

Games Market in Asia
© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia

© Niko Partners

2021 est Asia Games Revenue (PC & Mobile)
2021 est Asia Gamers
© Niko Partners
Includes: China & Asia-10 (Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)

© Niko Partners | Esportsin Asia, June 2022

Niko Partners believe that the diversity within our team, not just in terms of gender but also cultures, ethnicities
and nationalities , makes our research more robust Our
local expertise enables us to provide a deeper
understanding of developments for all demographic
criteria, as well as a more holistic view of the market
© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia
Games should appeal to all genders.
There should be no boundary for who feels welcome
and inspired to play video games, and games should be
developed for different audiences, interests and gaming behavior We observe that female gamers
are one of the drivers
of growth in the Asian games market . This report
provides data and analysisabout female gamers in
Asia —who they are and how they compare to their
male counterparts
Gender inclusivity matters

Female Gamer Data in Asia
© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia9
Women comprise 35% of the 1.46 billion gamers in Asia
Share of female gamers in Asia (2021)
Percentage of female gamers by region (2021)
Asia -10 refers to the markets of Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Asia refers to the Asia -10 markets plus China
Source: Niko Partners
Source: Niko Partners
YoY growth of gamers in Asia (2021)
Source: Niko Partners

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia10
Female gamers in Asia prefer role-playing, racing and
strategy games as their top 3
Source: Niko Partners

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia11
Female gamers play mobile more than other platforms
Source: Niko Partners

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia12
84% of female gamers willing to spend make in-game purchases
Asia-10 China
Female gamer spending in 2021 (US$ Billions) Female gamers are more likely to make in-game purchases
Source: Niko Partners
Source: Niko Partners
Source: Niko Partners
Female gamers are more likely to spend on items and

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia13
Female gamers in Asia tend to try new games based
onfriends’ recommendations, graphics, and gameplay
Source: Niko Partners

© Niko Partners | Female Gamers in Asia
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