How Consumers Are Engaging with Games in 2022
Download PDFJun, 2022 Newzoo’s Global Gamer Study 2022
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• for 60 + game franchises
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Access the most comprehensive global consumer research on the gaming landscape and
gaming audiences.
Consumers surveyed
Global coverage w ith
36 markets
Variables Tracked
The world of Gamers. Mapped.
Newzoo ’s
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© Newzoo 2022
Gaming is among the world’s biggest entertainment and media platforms
Gaming is already one of the world’s most popular pastimes, and consumers are engaging
with games and gaming platforms in more ways than ever before.
Now more multi -dimensional and diverse than ever, gamers are no longer just playing
games or watching gameplay videos online. Being part of gaming communities, following
influencers and streamers, socializing in virtual game worlds, watching TV shows based on
gaming IP, and buying gaming -related clothing and merchandise are also vital components
of the fun.
With emerging technologies and the growing metaverse trend, gaming is edging further
into virtual spaces that empower entertainment and social interaction. It is blurring the lines
between traditional and contemporary forms of media.
An in -depth understanding of the complex gaming landscape is crucial to identify the most
valuable opportunities gaming audiences have to offer. This understanding is not only
important for game publishers and developers but also for any company wanting to reach
and authentically engage with the broadest and most diverse subset of the world’s
Newzoo’s Global Gamer Study is the world’s most comprehensive gamer study on gaming
audiences and gaming behavior providing valuable insights into the global gaming
landscape in 36 markets.
, Head of Consumer Insights
Methodology & Definitions
Key Insights
Gaming is Among the Biggest Entertainment Platforms
Gaming Goes Beyond Playing
Gamers are Attractive Target for Brands with the Right Message
© Newzoo 2022
Newzoo ’s Global Gamer Study
Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
February 2022 –April 2022
Representative sample of the online population aged 10 –
65/10 -50 (regional coverage and age scope differs by market).
75,930 respondents across 36 countries/markets. Per
country/market, approx. 2,000 respondents, 3,000 for the United States
and China, and 1,500 for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and United Arabic Emirates.
• Gen Alpha (born 2010 or later / 10 -12 y.o .)
• Gen Z (born 1995 -2009 / 13 -27 y.o .)
• Millennials (born 1981 -1994/28 -41 y.o .)
• Gen X (born 1965 -1980 / 42 -53 y.o .)
• Baby Boomers (born 1946 -1965 / 54 -65 y.o .)
Population that has access to a stable/active internet
Consumers who engage with gaming through playing,
viewing, owning, and/or social behavior.
Those who have played video games on a PC, console, or mobile in
the past 6 months.
Past 6 months players who, on average, spend money on a monthly
basis on games on a PC, console, or mobile device. Spending money includes gifts, downloadable content, subscriptions, and other micro -transactions.
Those who watched live -streamed or pre -recorded gaming video
content in the past 12 months (incl. esports). (=Gaming video content viewers)
United States, CanadaUnited Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, India.
Newzoo’s Global Gamer Study 2022 methodology
© Newzoo 2022 7
With every new generation, gaming becomes
a bigger and more important part of daily life.
In fact, games are now the #1 source of
entertainment among Gen Alpha –that’s more
than social networking, streaming
movies/series, and watching broadcast TV.
Gaming’s role in people’s leisure time isn’t the
only thing that’s growing; game -related
spending is also on the up. About half of
Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha spend
money on games. To that end, consumer
spending via games will generate more than
$200 billion in 2023 alone.
What it means to “game” continues to expand
far beyond the traditional playing. Those who
engage with games to play are now in the
minority. Around 28% of the online population
is already engaging with games across playing,
viewing, and other forms of engagement like
online communities, podcasts, in -person
events, and more).
The growth of gaming’s social aspects are one
of the catalysts that opened the door for the
metaverse trend. Three -quarters of players
sometimes spend time together in game
worlds without actually playing the main
game, compared to 44% of non -players.
While games have become mainstream, the
audience engaging with them have become
increasingly diverse. As such, a one -size -fits -all
approach to connecting with gamers is no
longer effective.
The competition for gamers ’ attention is
becoming increasingly fierce as more
companies enter the arena. Yet, the more
positive attitudes players have towards brands
(vs. non -players) makes them an attractive
target. Diving deeper into the behavior,
demographics, and preferences of gamers can
ensure your brand cuts through the noise and
resonates with the right audience.
1 2 3
of Gen Alpha engage with
games and games content
(= Games Enthusiasts)
Attitudes toward brands are on
average 36% higher among
players than non -players
1Among a selected sub -set of 13 brands
of players sometimes get
together in games without
playing the main game
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© Newzoo 2022
In fact, games are the #1 source of entertainment for Gen Alpha
18% 23% 21%
18% 19% 20%
18% 14% 18% 25%
13% 17% 16% 16% 16%
11% 11% 12% 12% 14%
Base: Total online population
Listening to music/radio/podcasts
Watching broadcast TV
Streaming movies/series
Social networks
Engaging with video games (content) 1
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets). Q. Leisure time spent per week on various activities Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Generation Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659), Millennials (n=23,935), Gen X (n=14,139), Baby B oom ers (n=8,504)
1Engaging with video games / gaming content = Playing video games, viewing gaming video content, creating gaming content or socializing through/visiting gaming communities
As the boundaries of games
continue to expand, so does
gaming’s reach.
With every new generation,
playing video games becomes a
larger share of leisure time.
Younger generations like Gen
Alpha, Gen Z, and Millennials
spend more or nearly as much
time engaging with video games
than any other single form of
With gaming ecosystems evolving
into virtual worlds, the pastime
continues to satisfy needs above
and beyond actual play. As
gaming grows further into a space
for community, its engagement
(particularly among younger
generations) is expected to follow.
© Newzoo 2022
Most Millennials and Gen X, and almost half of Baby Boomers, engage with games
Base: Total online population
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Total share of Game Enthusiasts; Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Generation Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659), Millennials (n=23,935), Gen X (n=14,139), Baby B oom ers* (n=8,504)
1 Game Enthusiasts are consumers who engage with gaming through playing, viewing, owning, and/or social behavior
1 % % % % % %
Brands can reach every generation via gaming. A remarkable 79% of the online population engages with games in one way or another.
This engagement, while sizable across all generations, is particularly apparent for Gen Alpha and Gen Z. All types of game -relat ed
engagement tend to increase with each younger generation.
Gaming engagement doesn’t just include playing games; it encompasses much more from viewing gaming content or esports to
socializing and hanging out in game worlds or through communities. It also includes following streamers, creating gaming cont ent , and
keeping up -to -date with gaming news via blogs, websites or podcasts, and any other gaming -related activity.
© Newzoo 2022
With every generation, the number of gamers spending money on games grows
The estimated forecast
of the games market in
About half of Gen Alpha, Gen
Z, and Millennial gamers
spend money on video
While the uptick in payers
from Millennials to Gen Z to
Gen Alpha may appear small,
it’s important to consider that
Gen Alpha and Gen Z (to a
lesser extent) generally lack
their own source of income.
Therefore, as these
generations get older and
start earning money, their
spending on games is likely to
Simply put, game -related
engagement is at an all -time
high, and this engagement
translates to more spending –
especially as younger
generations continue to age
Base: Total online population
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Payers Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Generation Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659), Millennials (n=23,935), Gen X (n=14,139), Baby B oom ers* (n=8,504) *Sourced from Newzoo’s Global Games Market Report
© Newzoo 2022
© Newzoo 2022
This broader type of engagement increases with every new generation
Total Other gaming engagement 1
% %
All 3
Players only
%Otherengagement only
79% engage with gaming Gone are the days when
games were simply for
playing. With gaming’s move
into the mainstream, ways to
engage with games continue
to expand.
This is particularly true among
younger generations. For
example, 42% of Gen Alpha
engages with games across all
dimensions, including playing,
viewing, and other forms such
as socialization, podcasts, in –
person events. This level and
breadth of engagement
among youngsters signals
that gaming is becoming
more than just a pastime.
Base: Total online population
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Total players, Total gaming video content viewers, Those who engage with gaming beyond playing/viewing in the past 12 mont hs (% often) Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Generation Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659), Millennials (n=23,935), Gen X (n=14,139), Baby B oom ers* (n=8,504)
1Other gaming engagement includes those that claim to have “often” followed video gaming channels or esports broadcasters, soc ialized through/visited online gaming communities, discussed video games with family and friends, listened to gaming podcasts, and/or attended large in -person gaming conventions in the past 12 months
© Newzoo 2022 14
Source: Newzoo’s Metaverse Sentiment Study │ April 2021
Base: Total online population 14 -50 years old
Players socializing in game worlds
is one of the factors that has led to
Big Tech’s infatuation with the
metaverse. Nearly 75% of players
are no longer gaming just to
“play”. Now, they are using virtual
worlds to connect with others,
even without playing the actual
Non -players are also eager to start
engaging in virtual worlds. In fact,
44% of the group are already
meeting up with others in game
worlds without actually playing the
main game. An even higher share
(48%) are interested in socializing
in game worlds in the future.
Games are increasingly becoming a platform for connection
Source: Newzoo Metaverse Sentiment Survey May 2021 (Weighted average across 4 markets: US, UK, CN, JP) Q. Socializing in game worlds, Potential future interest in socializing in game worlds Base: Total players 14 -50 years old (n=2,774), Non -players (n=2,859)
Players Non -players
© Newzoo 2022
While still in the early stages, a significant portion of gamers expect to use P2E in the future
To relax/unwind
To fill time
Earn/financial reward
Source: Newzoo’s Blockchain & NFT Sentiment Study │ April 2022
Base: Total players
When it comes to motivations to play games in general, P2E
players uniquely place earning money in their top three.
Whether or not they currently play blockchain games, players
show high levels of interest in playing them in future
Source: Newzoo’s Blockchain & NFT Sentiment Study │ April 2022
Base: Total players
13% 11%
34% 30%
Current P2E users
Expect future use
Don’t expect to use
U.S. Germany
To relax/unwind
To fill time
Complete tasks and goals
Blockchain Gaming or Play -to-Earn (P2E) is on the rise, offering cryptocurrency in return for achievements, in -game items, and o ther transactions. It is unclear how closely motivations to play current blockchain games align with those of traditional gamers, and therefore whether a wider audience can be reached using the same hooks. Som e e xpress concern over the introduction of commerce in games, while others say that true ownership of gaming assets and the ability to earn are reasons players should be interested. What is clear, however , is that the model has huge potential, if it can be realized in the mainstream.
To get a gamers’ view on Play -to-Earn (as well as the NFTs that often underpin them), Newzoo conducted online surveys with playe rs aged 18 -50. Over 1,000 interviews were completed in selected markets, including the U.S. and Germany. Some consumer insight snippets from this study including awareness and current adoption of Pl ay-to-Earn can be found above.
for Newzoo’s Global Games Market Report for a deep -dive on the latest blockchain and NFT trends.
Source: Newzoo Blockchain & NFT Sentiment Survey April 2022 (Market scope: United States, Germany) Q. Awareness & Adoption of P2E, Reasons to play video games Base: Total players (n=1,785), Current P2E users (n=125), Non P2E users (n=1,660)
© Newzoo 2022
© Newzoo 2022
But to effectively connect with gamers, brands need to identify and understand their target audience
Players Non -players
Base: Total online population
Across multiple categories, players
show more positive attitudes
toward brands than non -players.
Paired with the growing ways in
which brands and games can
collaborate (in and outside of
gaming worlds), these attitudes
present a meaningful opportunity
for brands to engage with gamers.
Yet, it’s important to remember
that different gamers have
different needs and interests.
Strategies to interact with gamers
must reflect the nuances of
gamers’ preferences, behaviors,
and demographics to be effective.
By taking a closer look at gamers,
you can identify and target the
specific audience most likely to
resonate with your brand.
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Brand attitude (excl. Don’t know brand) Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Total players (n=55,890), Non -players (n=15,910) Note: Budweiser and Ballentine’s only show > legal drinking age and not asked in SA,UAE,EG (excluded from base for alcoholic produc t categories)
© Newzoo 2022
Older generations are more likely to be Time Fillers, while younger generations are more likely to be Game Fans
Base: Game Enthusiasts
16% 17% 23%
56% 30% 33%
3% 3%
30% 25% 23%
20% 5% 4% 5%
7% 8% 7%
6% 5% 6% 3% 1% 5% 5% 5% 3% 1% Ultimate Gamers
All -Round Enthusiasts
Community Gamers
Solo Gamers
Mainstream Gamers
Backseat Viewers
Popcorn Gamers
Time Fillers
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Newzoo’s Gamer Segmentation ™[Note: The Mainstream gamer was formerly called The Bargain Buyer / The Solo gamer was formerly called the Hardware Enthusiast s] Base: Total Game Enthusiasts (n=61,586), Generation Alpha (n=3,471), Gen Z (n=23,574), Millennials (n=20,436), Gen X (n=10,16 8),Baby Boomers* (n=3,937)
The days of a one -size fits all
gamer are over. Now, what it
means to be a “gamer” is
more multi -dimensional.
With forms of gaming
engagement rapidly
expanding, the importance of
understanding the nuances
between gaming personas
becomes greater. Even
among a single generation,
motivations and engagement
with games can vary from
more traditional playing to
watching game content,
esports, or even fulfilling a
sense of community.
© Newzoo 2022
39% 38%
19% 3%
10-20 21-35 36-50 51-65
Two Battle Royale games with nuanced player demographics, motivations, and brand preferences
Despite sharing a genre (battle royale), Apex Legends and Fortnite each have unique player demographics, motivations, and bra nd preferences. Fortnite players are more likely to be female and younger than Apex Legends players. They also tend to be more casual in their gaming style, falling more often into Popcorn Gamers and Time Filler personas than their Apex Legends counterparts.
Zooming into the beverage category as an example, we see that these differences are key to understanding the opportunity for bra nds. Fortnite players are younger and therefore are less likely to drink alcohol while playing, so Apex Legends may be the better player group for an alcoholic beverage brand to target. What’s more, tapping into the motivations that drive Apex Legends players (e.g., socialization, action) could lead to more relevant messaging and a better return on investment.
% %
Non -binary/Other: %
6% 10% 9% 12%
Time Fillers PopcornGamers BackseatViewers MainstreamGamers SoloGamers CommunityGamers All-RoundEnthusiasts UltimateGamers
Soft drinks 54%
Energy drinks 37%
Alcohol* 29%
(% Very Positive/Positive)
66% 61%
Significantly higher/lower vs. Apex Legends
18% 2%
10-20 21-35 36-50 51-65
% %
Non -binary/Other: %
5% 11% 11% 17%
Time Fillers PopcornGamers BackseatViewers MainstreamGamers SoloGamers CommunityGamers All-RoundEnthusiasts UltimateGamers
Soft drinks 54%
Energy drinks 43%
Alcohol* 34%
(% Very Positive/Positive)
73% 66%
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Player motivations, Newzoo’s Gamer Personas 2022, Gender, Age, Product consumption while playing, Brand attitude (excl. Do n’tknow brand) Base: Past 3 months players of Apex Legends (n=4,193), Fortnite(n=9,234) *Alcohol includes beer, wine, and hard liquor. Budweiser only show > legal drinking age and not asked in SA,UAE,EG (excluded from base for alcoholic product categories) / ^Derived from multiple gamer motivation statements
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Competition Analyst at Wargaming