How consumers engage with games today

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Jul, 2024 How consumers engage with games todayNewzoo’s Global Gamer Study 2024July 2024

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Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s1. Introduction2. Key takeaways3. Gaming engagement today4. Consumer playtime and spending5. Finding opportunities in a challenging market6. Preview the Motivational Gamer Personas7. AbouttheGlobal Gamer Study3

Alexis PamborisResearch Director Mary BruneHead of Consumer InsightsIntroductionGaming remains a vital pillar of the media and entertainment landscape. Millions of players across generations turn to games to unwind, connect, and express themselves. And while the ecosystem may be more competitive than ever, many gamers are still eager for new experiences. The question is, how do you identify and reach the right gaming audiences?That’s where the Global Gamer Study comes in. Our consumer insights product gathers attitudinal and behavioral data from gamers worldwide to provide the most complete map of their universe. The Global Gamer Study surveys over 73,000 consumers across 36 markets every year, covering gaming trends, player behaviors, spending patterns, and far more. This free report includes key findings into who’s playing and paying for games today, which players engage the most and how, and how to identify audiences with the most potential. Understanding what drives people to play and pay for games and what keeps them hooked can open up opportunities. That’s why we focused more on motivations for our 2024 wave of consumer survey data, to help Global Gamer Study users identify the most exciting and lucrative player segments and learn how to talk to them. Want to know how Newzoo’s consumer insights can help you address industry challenges? Talk to us about subscribing to the Global Gamer Study for a more in-depth exploration. For now, happy reading.4

5 80%of consumers worldwide play video gamesAround the world, 85% of consumers engage with games in one form or another, with 80% playing games and 64% viewing content from the video game realm.Thirty-five percent of consumers engage in other ways, such as joining online gaming communities or creating gaming-related content. By mean measures, Gen Alpha and Gen Z gamers are the most engaged. Over 90% of these younger consumers engage with games, with 86% of Gen Z consumers playing games in the last 12 months.≧$25/monthis how much 22% of console and 15% of PC players spend on averageDespite their differences, PC or console gamers are, on average, higher spenders than mobile gamers.More than half of PC or console gamers spend between $5 and $25 on gaming per month, with a significant share of those spenders having a monthly gaming budget over $25. We classify this cohort as high spenders. PC or console players are also more likely to engage with pay-to-play (P2P) games than mobile players. Over a quarter of console players mostly or only play P2P games. 31%of PC or console players often seek out new or trending gamesAverage playtime is declining worldwide, and fewer titles and studios are gaining a larger share of engagement. However, there are still many players hungry for the next big thing in gaming.Nearly a third of PC or console players often look for new, trending games, and over 80% of this representative group spends money on games every month. These new game seekers may very well be the most valuable audience for your game or franchise. 123Key takeaways

This report draws from and gives context to the new wave of data in Newzoo’s Global Gamer Study.Dive deeper into the study to understand gamers and what motivates them on a whole new level. Written by Newzoo’s Gamer Research TeamPowered by our Global Gamer Study6 Find out moreContact sales

Gaming engagement todayInsights into gamer generations, preferred genres, and engagement outside play

Video games are a more prominent media and entertainment force than they’ve ever been. Across more than 73,000 consumers worldwide, 85% engage with games in one way or another, and 80% play them. Nearly two-thirds of consumers view gaming content, and over a third engage in other ways. The fact that more than a third of consumers engage in other ways, including discussions, podcasts, conventions, and esports fandom, shows how significant gaming has become as a cultural touchstone. Reaching players nowadays means more than providing a playable experience. It means engaging with them across many dimensions. 80% of consumers play video gamesSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Game Enthusiasts; Total players (past 6 months), Gaming video content viewers (past 12 months), Those who engage with gaming beyond playing/viewing in the past 12 months (% often). Base: Total sample (n=73,093)85%Game Enthusiasts2 1 Aged between 10-65/10-50 (regional coverage and age scope differ by market)2 Game Enthusiasts are consumers who engage with gaming through playing, viewing, owning, and/or social behavior3 Other engagement includes those who have “often” followed video gaming channels or esports broadcasters, socialized/visited online gaming communities, discussed video games with family and friends, listened to gaming podcasts, and/or attended large in-person gaming conventions in the past 12 months8 Play games80%View gaming content64%Engage other ways3 35%Way s t o e n g a g e w i t h g a m i n g :Game Enthusiasts: Consumers who play, view, own, and/or engage with games in ways beyond these dimensions. Gaming engagementBase: Total online population1

Game enthusiasts across every generation prefer to play games over other types of engagement, and that holds true for younger generations as well. The digital-first or digital native generations (Gen Z and Gen Alpha and, to a point, Millennials) interact with games in more diverse ways than older game enthusiasts. They are also more likely to play, to begin with, and especially more likely to view gaming content.For these younger consumers, gaming is woven into their everyday lives. They are likely to continue to play and engage with games as they grow up, similarly to how they do now, representing a significant opportunity for game makers. Over 90% of Gen Alpha and Gen Z consumers engage with video gamesSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Game Enthusiasts, Total players (past 6 months), Gaming video content viewers (past 12 months), Those who engage with gaming beyond playing/viewing in the past 12 months (% often). Base: Gen Alpha (n=6,622), Gen Z (n=25,059), Millennials (n=21,988), Gen X (n=15,655), Baby Boomers (n=3,769)53%80%94%Gen Alpha(born 2010 or later)96%Game enthusiasts PlayViewOther ways44%79%86%Gen Z(born 1995 – 2009)92%Game enthusiasts PlayViewOther ways36%67%85%Millennials(born 1981 – 1994)88%Game enthusiasts PlayViewOther ways18%39%67%Gen X(born 1965 – 1980)72%Game enthusiasts PlayViewOther ways6%18%50%Baby Boomers(born 1945 – 1964 )53%Game enthusiasts PlayViewOther ways9 94% of Gen Alpha and 86% of Gen Z game enthusiasts play games and will likely keep playing.Gaming engagement by generationBase: Total online population

Game enthusiasts dedicate nearly as much leisure time to video games as they do to TV, films, and music. Gen Alpha enthusiasts, however, spend more time engaging with games than every other activity, including social media!These younger consumers spend an average of 5.2 hours per week playing, viewing, and engaging with games, an entire 0.1 more hours than on social media. This underscores how gaming has become mainstream and, for each new generation that gets into gaming, leads the way forward for media and entertainment culture. Gen Alpha game enthusiasts spend more time on games than social mediaShare of leisure time spent engaging with media forms (average per week)1 Base: Game enthusiasts2 Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Leisure activities. Time spent per week. Base: Game Enthusiasts (n=61,248), Gen Alpha (n=6,622)20%16%14%14%14%13%9%17%15%13%13%16%17%9%
2.8 hoursGen. Alpha: 2.84.1 hoursGen. Alpha: 5.2 4.3 hoursGen. Alpha: 4.7 4.4 hoursGen. Alpha: 4.0 4.4 hoursGen. Alpha: 4.0 4.9 hoursGen. Alpha: 4.4 6.1 hoursGen. Alpha: 5.1
Using social mediaWatchi ng TV/ movies on demand Watchi ng broadcast televisionListening to musicWatchi ng vi deos online (excl’ gaming content)Video games (playing, viewing, other)Reading1 This is not an exhaustive list of all Game Enthusiast’s pastimes; we asked them to indicate the time shared across these pastimes only, hence the total equals 100%. 2 Game Enthusiasts are consumers who engage with gaming through playing, viewing, owning, and/or social behaviorGame EnthusiastsGen Alpha Game Enthusiasts10

Gen Alpha and Gen Z players are most likely to play Adventure, Fighting, Racing, and Shooter games, while Puzzle titles appeal more to older generations of gamers.Gen Z players who prefer Adventure titles are most likely to have played Minecraft, Fortnite, or games from the Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto series in the past six months.This gives you an idea of the franchises currently captivating specific player groups more than others. 11 Adventure is the top genre among Gen Alpha, Gen Z, and Millennials 54% of Gen Alpha players say that the Adventure genre is their favorite. To p g e n r e s b y g e n e r a t i o nBase: Total people who played games on any device (past 6 months)Gen Alpha(born 2010 or later)Gen Z(born 1995 – 2009)54%44%42%40%37%Adve ntureFight ingRa ci n gShooterBa t t l e R o ya l e45%38%38%38%33%Adve ntureFight ingShooterBa t t l e R o ya l eRa ci n gMillennials(born 1981 – 1994)Gen X(born 1965 – 1980)44%37%35%35%34%Ad ve nturePu z zleShoot erRacingFig hting46%33%27%26%25%Pu zzleAdve ntureStrategyShooterArca deBaby Boomers(born 1945 – 1964 )50%25%21%21%19%Pu zzleArca deCasinoAdve ntureStrategySource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Genres played on any device (past 6 months). Base: Gen Alpha (n=6,220), Gen Z (n=21,546), Millennials (n=18,197), Gen X (n=10,195), Baby Boomers (n=1,708)Access 19 more genres and 80 franchisesWant to see what other genres and franchises your target generations are playing?Contact us to access the Global Gamer Study.

12 Gen Z(born 1995 – 2009)45%38%38%38%33%Adve ntureFight ingShooterBa t t l e R o ya l eRa ci n gGen Z – male(born 1995 – 2009)46%45%45%44%38%AdventureBattle Roy aleSh oo t erFightingSp o rt sGen Z – female(born 1995 – 2009)43%38%31%30%30%Adve nturePu zzleFight ingRa ci n gShooterGen Z – other/non-binary(born 1995 – 2009)38%37%34%30%27%Adve ntureRo l e – p l ayi n gSimulationFight ingShooterSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Genres played on any device (past 6 months). Base: Gen Z (n=21,546), Gen Z male (n=11,345), Gen Z female (n=9,936), Gen Z – other/non-binary (n=265)Access 19 more genres and 80 franchisesWant to see what other genres and franchises your target generation is playing?Contact us for access to the Global Gamer Study.To p g e n r e s G e n Z p l a y s , s p l i t b y g e n d e rBase: Total people who played games on any device (past 6 months)Among Gen Z players, Adventure is the favorite genre, and when you split the generation by gender identity, you find more similarities than differences. Adventure remains the favorite genre across gender identities, with Fighting and Shooter games also making it to the top five. The gap between the share of male, female, and non-binary players who prefer Fighting games, for instance, is not significant enough to say that a new Fighting title should only target male players. Most significantly, the gender balance as it pertains to favorite genres becomes more balanced as you look at younger generations. 37% of Gen Z players who identify as non-binary or other (in our survey) name Role-Playing games as a favorite genre. Gen Z players of all genders enjoy Shooter and Fighting games

13 Gen Z(born 1995 – 2009)Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Genres played on any device (past 6 months). Base: Gen Z (n=21,546), Gen Z male (n=11,345), Gen Z female (n=9,936), Gen Z – other/non-binary (n=265)#3Grand Theft Auto#5EA Sports FC / FIFA#4Fortnite#2Call of Duty#1Minecraft#6Candy Crush Saga#7Roblox#8Mario45%38%38%38%33%Adve ntureFight ingShooterBa t t l e R o ya l eRa ci n gAccess gamer data for 80 franchisesWant to explore franchise preferences across gamers of every age?Contact us for access to the Global Gamer Study.To p g e n r e s a n d g a m e f r a n c h i s e s G e n Z p l a y sBase: Total people who played games on any device (past 6 months)Minecraft and Call of Duty are the most popular franchisesamong Gen Z playersMany of Gen Z’s favorite franchises serve different needs and transcend single genre definitions, with many modes, mini-games, and other side tasks. Franchises that do fit squarely into one genre range from relatively serious adult-themed games to virtual playgrounds aimed at younger kids. On this latter point, there are many factors at play: Gen Z comprises teens to people nearing 30 years old, which supports Minecraft’s inclusion on the same list as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto (to say nothing of their industry prevalence overall). Most likely, many Gen Z players are only digging into Minecraft, while others dedicate most of their time to Call of Duty.Despite this, Gen Z’s favorite games clearly showcase how important the social element is for these players.

Open worlds and deep storytelling are the most popular play motivators for PC or console players14 66%65%60%58%58%A va st ope n w or ld or univ e rse to ex plo reA de e p or inte re sting stor yOpen sto rytel lingLots of op tional t asksHigh- speedAccess 14 motivations to playWant to dig into why players play the games they do to inform your development and marketing strategies?Contact us to access the Global Gamer Study.Motivations for playing gamesBase: PC or console players (past six months)68% of these players say inclusive storytelling and cultural representation is important when choosing games Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Motivations for playing a game. Base: PC or console Players (n=38,417). Q. Important aspects of video games (DEI). Base: PC or console Players who are motivated by a deep or interesting story (n=24,059).What motivates PC or console players beyond genre or franchise preference? Vast open realms and engaging stories are currently the most popular motivators for playing games among PC or console players. More than two-thirds of players who gravitate toward deep stories also value inclusive and representative storytelling (with this share rising to 73% among more Gen Alpha players).Games that offer these elements, whether via a true open world, narrative elements that suggest one, or choices that impact the story, already have huge potential audiences. On the flip side, over 50% of PC or console players were swayed by dueling one another and cooperating on shared goals. Not every game has to have a sprawling story or unique PvP mechanic, but it’s clear that these types of elements can help a game stand out in a crowded market (or at least survive).

Yo u n g e r p l a y e r s a r e e s p e c i a l l y m o t i v a t e d b y t h e c o m p e t i t i v e a n d c o o p e r a t i v e social elements of gamingSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Motivations for playing a game. Base: PC or console Players (n=38,417)15 73%71%68%67%65%A va st ope n w or ld or univ e rse to ex plo reFa ci ng off ag ainst othe r pla ye rs in due lsor ma tc he sSha red o bjecti ves fo r pl ayers t ocooperate on and do togetherLots of op tional t asksA de e p or inte re sting stor yMotivations for Gen Alpha playersBase: PC or console players (past six months) Gen AlphaSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Motivations for playing a game. Base: PC or console Players (n=38,417)68%67%62%59%59%A va st ope n w or ld or univ e rse to ex plo reA de e p or inte re sting stor yOpen sto rytel lingHigh- speedFa ci ng off ag ainst othe r pla ye rs in due lsor ma tc he sMotivations for Gen Z playersBase: PC or console players (past six months) Gen Z

© Newzoo 2024Get in-depth gamer data to profile your ideal audiences with precisionWant to know what more than 73,000 consumers worldwide have to say about games?Get insights from real gamers and games enthusiasts about what they play, why they play (and pay), and how they interact with the broader gaming and media markets. Find out moreTake the product tour16 73,000+Consumers surveyed yearly200+Variables tracked36Global coverage with 36 markets3+Years of data and reports

Consumer playtime and spendingHow PC and console gamers play and spend versus mobile gamers

PC or console players spend an average of 2.1 hours per day playing gamesSpending time on gamesBase: Total playersPlay times(avg. days per week and avg. hours per week)3.4 days per week5.4 hours per week2.6 days per week5.4 hours per week2.7 days per week5.7 hours per weekHours spent each day playing(avg. hours per week by avg. days per week)1.6hours per day 2.1hours per day 2.1hours per day Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Days per week played, hours per week played for each platform. Base: Mobile (n=44,632), console (n=23,782), PC (n=26,289)PC or console players are more dedicated than their mobile counterparts, as they generally spend more time playing games and tend to spend more money on gaming. On average, PC or console players spend 30 more minutes per day playing, though they dedicate fewer days per week to this form of engagement. This suggests that PC and console playtime is more condensed to several longer sessions compared to the shorter engagement bursts of mobile gaming. ConsolePCMobile18

Just over 50% of console players are medium or high spendersSpending money on games and in-game content1 Payers are categorized into high, medium, low, or no spend relative to the amounts given by respondents in market, to ensure comparisons across markets can be made. The amount itself is the total of spend on games, DLC, MTX and other in-game purchasing. Low spenders spend up to $5 per month, medium spenders spend $5 to $25 per month, and high spenders spend more than $25 monthly on average. Low spendersMedium spenders Pay NothingSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Amount paid and types of game played mostly or rarely (F2P/ P2P) on each platform. Base: Mobile (n=44,632), console (n=23,782), PC (n=26,289)Base: Total playersPC or console players spend more on average than mobile players, with PC gaming having the highest share of medium or high spenders. More than half of console players are medium or high spenders, spending between $5 and $25 or more per month on gaming-related purchases. Each platform employs varying monetization methods. The type of players each platform attracts, though, and how they segment more specifically, also plays a key role in spending patterns.PC and console players are more likely than mobile players to spend on various combinations of titles, DLC launches and content, microtransactions, and other in-game purchases.19 50%34%42%23%15%16%20%29%26%8%22%15%ConsolePCMobile22% of console players and 15% of PC players are high spenders: spending $25 or more on gaming per month. High spenders

PC and console audiences expect to pay for their experiences and aren’t discouraged by that investmentSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Amount paid and types of game played mostly or rarely (F2P/ P2P) on each platform. Base: Mobile (n=44,632), console (n=23,782), PC (n=26,289)Spending money on games and in-game contentBase: Total playersNot only do PC or console players tend to spend more time and money on games than mobile players in general, but they also gravitate towards experiences that involve an initial investment.PC or console players are more likely to play pay-to-play (P2P) games, with 26% of console players only or mostly playing titles with this business model. In contrast, only 7% of mobile players only or mostly play P2P games, suggesting that consumers who prefer mobile are less willing to part ways with cash before they can start engaging with a game. What this shows is that PC and console audiences expect to pay for their experiences and are less discouraged by financial barriers to entry. 20 ConsolePCMobile71%36%47%23%38%35%7%26%18%Roughly even Only or mostly P2POnly or mostly F2P1 Payers are categorized into high, medium, low, or no spend relative to the amounts given by respondents in market, to ensure comparisons across markets can be made. The amount itself is the total of spend on games, DLC, MTX and other in-game purchasing. Low spenders spend up to $5 per month, medium spenders spend %5 to $25 per month, and high spenders spend more than $25 monthly on average.

Yo u n g e r f e m a l e p l a y e r s a r e m o r e l i k e l y t o p a y a n d p l a y t h a n o l d e r f e m a l e players21 Percentage of players who mostly or only play P2P games by generationBase: Total playersMale players Female players Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Amount paid and types of game played mostly or rarely (F2P/ P2P) on each platform. Base: Mobile (n=44,632), console (n=23,782), PC (n=26,289)If you tunnel further into the 26% of players who mostly or only play P2P (pay-to-play) games, you find some valuable distinctions.Younger generations tend to have higher shares of women and non-binary players opting to mostly or only play P2P games, while that distribution becomes more male-skewed among older gamers. Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Millennial female players are all more likely than older gamers to make that upfront investment on a boxed or downloaded game (or subscription). This shows that paying audiences are growing more diverse with every passing gamer generation – gamers are less of a monolith than they’ve ever been, and the profile of a long-term paying player will continue to expand.Non-binary/other players28%34%38%72%65%61%1%1%Gen Z and Gen Alpha (born 2010-2009)Millennials (born 1981 – 1994)Gen X and Baby Boomers (born 1946 -1980)

© Newzoo 2024Want to know how players spend and where that money goes on a game-by-game level? The Game Performance Monitor is one of our powerful Platform tools that complements the Global Gamer Study with in-depth revenue data across six major markets. Find out moreTake the product tourAnalyze premium and recurring/in-game revenues for over 1,000 gamesTop games by monthly revenue growth22

Finding opportunities in a challenging marketThere are many players out there on the hunt for new, trending games

Players who prefer PC or console gaming are more likely to seek out new and trending games – they may be your next player baseGamer identity by platform preference Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is mobile (n=30,057), PC or console (n=27,111)Base: Total playersIt’s clear that PC or console players are often more dedicated in the ways they play and spend versus mobile gamers. The question that arises is who the players are within that wider cohort who may represent valuable audience segments.While PC or console gamers are more likely than mobile players to hold gaming dear to their lives or consider themselves a “gamer,” the segment with the most value is who we’ll call “new game seekers,” that 31% highlighted in the data. If you treat this group as a targetable cohort sharing a central motivation – the aim to seek the “next big thing” – you can define them as an important audience to win over when building a new, innovative game. 20%23%24%25%26%25%29%30%31%31%I often seek out and try new or trending gamesGaming is a significant part of my lifeI always keep up to date with gaming newsI consider myself a “gamer”Other people call me a “gamer”Favorite is PC or consoleFavorite is mobile24 31% of PC or console players often seek out and try new or trending games: a potentially valuable audience segment.

Over a third of new game seekers play on three platforms (and play more than seven hours per week on average)25 Digging further into the 31% of PC or console players who often seek out and try new or trending games, a more concrete player audience begins to crystallize.This cohort mostly consists of Gen Z and Millennials (~76%) male consumers, with nearly 80% playing on either two or three platforms on average per month. Their playtime on PC and console is almost 50% higher than the global average, indicating that they are a highly engaged global audience. Demographics and playing behavior of PC/console gamers who often seek out new or trending games Number of platforms used21%45%34%3 platforms2 platforms1 platformGender split and ageAve. age: 27.462%37%1%: Other/ non-binary67%Console72%Mobile75%PCPlatforms used (last 6 months)Weekly play hours7.2Console7.4Mobile7.1PCGeneration splitGen Z42%Millennials34%Gen Alpha15%Gen X8%Baby Boomers1%42% of PC or console players who seek out new and trending games are Gen Z.Base: Players stating their favorite platform is PC or console Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).

It’s no surprise that PC or console players who often seek new, trending games and experiences are happy to spend money on them.This cohort is more likely than not to spend money on games, with more than three-quarters of them purchasing a game in the last six months. In-game subscriptions and currencies are particularly popular for this player group. Over 80% of new game seekers pay for games (and spend most on console)26 1 Players who spend money on average monthly, on games on a PC, console, or mobile device. Spending money includes gifts, downloadable content, subscriptions, and other micro-transactions2 Minor spend: up to £/€/$5 a month; Average spend: between £/€/$5 – £/€/$25 a month; Big spend: £/€/$25 or more a month28%26%33%22%12%13%33%33%32%16%29%22%High spendMed spendLow spendNo spend82%SubscriptionsIn-game/ MTXGames (boxed or DL)37%37%36%36%33%32%30%In- gam e subsc rip tionsIn- gam e c urre nci esPo we r- u psEx pa n sion o r c on te n tpa c ksGe a rPla y ab le c ha ra c te rs orheroesTim e -sa ve rs46%76%58%Payers (any platform, last 6 months) 1 Paying segment (per platform) 2In-game purchases (last 6 months)PC / console purchases (last 6 months) 29% of frequent trend seekers spend over $25 per month on console gamingPayment profile of PC/console gamers who often seek out new or trending games Base: Players who prefer playing on PC or consoleSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).

New game seekers are most likely to prefer adventure games, graphical fidelity, and the theme of survival 27 38%28%28%25%24%High qua lity g rap hicsEx plo rat ion a n d ope nworld sPla y in g aga in st oth e rs(P v P)A strong na rra tiv e orstor yInte re sti ng de sig n42%38%35%33%27%Surv iv alFa nta sySc ienc e fic tionMysteryHorr or1 Total aggregated score of five, seven-point scale affinity questions (individual max. score is therefore 35, the min. is 5). Players are divided into four equal-sized categories depending their score (from the lowest 25% to highest 25%)59%55%51%51%47%Ad ve ntureFig htingShoot erBat tle Royal eRacingFavorite genresMost interesting featuresFavorite themesGame preferences of PC/console gamers who often seek out new or trending games Base: Players who prefer playing on PC or consoleWhat kinds of games draw in new game seekers? It’s fair to assume that these PC or console gamers already play at least one or several of the main franchises or spend time on platforms like Minecraft or Fortnite. So, which elements are most effective in the competition for engagement and revenue?For this cohort, games with high graphical fidelity and survival mechanics seem to be the most popular, though these players also prefer competing against one another almost as much as they love a good Adventure. Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).

Even the people who seek new games are players of the biggest franchises in gaming28 #3Minecraft#5EA Sports FC / FIFA#4Fortnite#2Grand Theft Auto#1Call of Duty#7Marvel#6Resident Evil#8God of War#9Roblox# #10Mortal KombatTo p f r a n c h i s e s p l a y e d i n t h e l a s t 6 m o n t h s b y P C / c o n s o l e g a m e r s w h o o f t e n s e e k o u t n e w o r t r e n d i n g g a m e s Base: Players who prefer playing on PC or consoleAccess over 70 major game franchisesWant to see what your potential players are playing the most?Contact us for access to the Global Gamer Study.Source: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).New game seekers tend to share many of the same franchise preferences as most PC or console players. The top five franchises here are the same for new game seekers and players in general. What’s also important to understand is that players within this 31% of new game seekers, as harder-core gamers, simply play more games. They are far more likely to play a Call of Duty or FIFA Sports FC game than the average player, even if they share the same genre preferences. Notably, several of these franchises released new entries in the data collection period for this report, including Resident Evil 4 (the remake) and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. These games called upon IP legacy and brand appeal to draw players away from live-service tentpoles, but our trend-seeking cohort was more likely to play them than the average player.

29 1 Viewers are those who watched live-streamed or pre-recorded gaming video content in the past 12 months2 Other gaming engagement includes those who ‘often’ or ‘sometimes” follow video gaming channels or esports broadcasters, socialized through gaming communities, discussed games with family and friends, listened to podcasts, or attended in-person gaming conventionsNew game seekers tend to be quite likely to engage with video game content beyond playing the game. Over 90% of this global cohort view gaming content, and 73% engage in other ways, including following gaming channels, socializing via online communities, or going to conventions. These players are also more likely than average to seek out media related to their favorite games and play games featuring brands they dig. Gaming is their favorite pastime, and this impacts how they interact with media and entertainment more broadly. Engagement data gives insight into how to reach these active players, clarifying marketing plans and community-building initiatives. Over 80% of new game seekers are very likely to explore media related to their favorite games67%65%65%56%53%40%36%32%26%26%Insta gr amYouTubeFa ce bo okWhat sAppTik TokTe le gra mX (former ly Twitter)Sna pc ha tLinked InPin t er estView gaming content1 94%Engage other ways2 73%83%Very likely to explore other media related to favorite games 80%More likely to play a game featuring favorite entertainment brands81%Say media/ merch’ positively influences gameplay or purchase58%48%42%31%29%27%25%24%23%20%Video gamesMovies or TV seriesMusicTe chno logyPla y in g sports orexercisingTra v el ingFoo d or dr inksAnim eFol lowing o r wa tc hi ngspor tsFa shionEngagement beyond playSocial media usageFavorite pastimesEngagement profile of PC/console gamers who often seek out new or trending games Base: Players who prefer playing on PC or consoleSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).

Some markets have more new game seekers than others30 On a global scale, nearly a third of players who prefer PC or console often seek out new and trending games. Some markets have more active new game seekers than others. Over 35% of PC or console players in China, India, and Saudi Arabia, for instance, say they try new, trending games often, suggesting a bit more willingness to seek out novel experiences. In contrast, markets like Sweden, The Netherlands, and Japan are less likely than the average global player to model this gamer behavior. If you know that you’re targeting new game seekers seekers, the second crucial step is knowing where more of them are. This helps you refine your go-to-market priorities for new titles.>35%: China, India, Thailand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam30-35% – United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Mexico, South Africa25-29% – Malaysia, United States, Colombia, Turkey20-24% – Chile, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Argentina15-19% – France, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Poland<15% - Sweden, Belgium, Russia, Netherlands, Finland, JapanSource: Newzoo Global Gamer Study 2024 (Global weighted average across 36 markets)Q. Gamer identity statements (agree/ disagree scale). Base: Favorite is PC or console (n=27,111) who often seek out new and trending games (n=7,236).Geographic distribution of PC/console gamers who often seek out new or trending games Base: Players who prefer playing on PC or consoleWhat’s motivating players to play and spend, and how can you capitalize on these motivations?Playtime may be declining, and fewer and fewer titles are taking an outsized chunk of user engagement*. Still, there are still many PC and console players out there hungry for new games and creative engagement opportunities. Knowing these players are out there is not even close to half the battle. You have to define who these players are and figure out the best ways to connect with them. In short, you should understand their motivations.That’s why we developed ten new Motivational Gamer Personas. These personas dig into why certain players pick up and play their games, why others do not, and how to find and communicate with these audiences. If the Global Gamer Study is the universe of gamers, the personas are both a map and a compass for better, data-driven segmentation. We’ll introduce our new personas in an upcoming Handbook to Motivational Gamer Personas. Want to learn more about them now?Contact us for a persona walkthrough and start building more refined audience segments. 31 *Want to know where these stats come from? Learn all about declining playtime hours and what that means for PC and console gaming in this year’s report on the state of the market.Find out more73,000+ consumers surveyed200+ variablesAccess the data powering this report3236 markets coveredThe Global Gamer Study is the most comprehensive consumer research product covering gamers in the world:32 Take the product tourThree years of data accessible through our easy-to-use platform & toolsFull demographic and psychographic profilesGaming, spending, and viewing behavior and attitudes Motivational player segmentationMedia, lifestyle, and consumer brands consumption Hardware, PC, console, mobile, and cloud insights32Upgrade to the Global Gamer Study33 This free reportGlobal Gamer StudyAccess to consumer data across 36 different markets, including the US, India, and ChinaOnly aggregated globallyEach market and aggregated globally and regionally3 years of data, from 73,000+ respondents, across 200+ variablesLimited and only 2024✔Socio-demographicsLimited✔ 8 topicsMedia & lifestyle + Mobile & internetLimited✔ 9 topicsGame behavior & attitudesLimited✔ 27 topicsSpending behaviorsLimited✔ 5 topicsGame franchises played (including game franchise funnels)Limited✔ 3 topics, 80 franchisesMobile, PC, and console gaming behaviorsLimited✔ 27 topicsGaming video content & esportsLimited✔ 13 topicsGaming hardware & peripheralsX✔ 3 topics, 20 brandsConsumer brandsX✔ 3 topics, 27 brandsNewzoo’s proprietary Motivational Gamer Personas and tools for creating your own segmentsX✔Easy-to-use consumer insights dashboard & crosstabbing tool X✔Learn more about the Global Gamer StudyInterested? Email us at:questions@newzoo.comGlobal GamerStudyExplore the global gamer audiences across all dimensions with the largest gamer research study.Game HealthTrackerTrack brand health and purchase funnel data over time for hundreds of games.GAMER RESEARCHGame Performance MonitorUnlock title-level engagement and revenue data for thousands of PC and console games.GAMES DATAGames Market Reports & ForecastsDiscover games market sizing, forecasts, and trends on a global and local level.MARKET ANALYSIS & CONSULTINGYour leading data platform and partner in gamingKnow the GamesGenre deep dives and game teardownsTarget audienceanalysisLive service gamestrategyGame concepttestingCampaignanalysisConcept TAM andsales forecastingConsulting & custom researchTailored consulting and research projects for every stage of the game development and operation lifecycle.Learn moreNewzoo PlatformKnow the GamersKnow the Games MarketLearn moreLearn moreLearn moreLearn more34Your leading data platform and partner in gamingPC and console games data, gamer research, and consultingLet’s talk