KRAFTON FY2024 Q1 Earnings Release
Download PDFMay, 2024 Financial statements included in this document are consolidated results of KRAFTON, Inc. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries an d have been prepared in accordance with K -IFRS.
Financial results and operational performance included herein have been prepared for investors’ convenience only and have not be en audited by an independent auditor; as such,
certain part (s) of this presentation are subject to change, upon completion of the audit review.
Company makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information herein, nor does the Company assume an y d uty to update any information, given that this
presentation has been prepared based on currently available data.
Company shall not have any liability for any loss arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise aris ing in connection with this presentation, as this should not
be construed to be related to any investment decision making and shall not be used for any legal proceedings.
Revenue 665.9
Build Core Community Expansion of Global Marketing Strengthen Traffic and Retention
Game Development
Live Ops Publishing
100% Subsidiary
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III