Mobile games: state of the market & playtime benchmarks Q3, 2023

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Nov, 2023 Mobile games: state of the market & playtime benchmarks

Q3, 2023

Joint report of Apptica & Gamelight


The purpose of this study is to analyse the state of gaming category in Q3 2023.

All data presented in this report has been collected from Apptica and Gamelight platforms.

“Games” category is defined by a store’s tag.

The basis of this analysis is made up of data from the Apptica’s Store, Ad and Market Intelligence
sections and Gamelight’s playtime and app usage data.

We collect data only from App Store and Google Play, we do not cover other alternative stores.

To obtain accurate results, we have analysed data on 37 countries collected from July 01 to
September 30, 2023. For a more narrow analysis, we have selected 6 countries: US, UK, Japan,
South Korea, France and Germany.

We have not used additional information from other analytical services or resources without
mentioning them.

Revenue figures are based on IAP figures, we do not cover other revenue sources. All Revenue is
calculated in USD $.

Average Playtime is daily playtime in minutes. Calculated as total playtime on the each title
divided by number of active users that played the game divided by number of days played.

Downloads | Q3 | WW
Casual (269,4M), Action (212,72M) and Simulation (202M)
are on the top among iOS users.

Total: 1,54B (20, 4% of all downloads).

Compared to Q3 2022 the total rate drops by 14,4% (from

Revenue | Q3 | WW
RPG ($930,64M), Strategy ($628,67M) and Casual
($520,49M) are among the most grossing on Android.

Total revenue coming from Android users is $4,64B.RPG takes a lead with $1,33B, followed by Strategy
($745M) and Action ($698,97M).

Total revenue generated by iOS users account to $5,91B.
The platform disparity is 56,01% (iOS) vs 43,99%
(Android). iOS remains the more grossing platform.

Revenue and downloads per category | US, France, Germany, UK, Japan, South Korea

US has the largest share in more categories:
Strategy (50,5%), Casual (62,8%), Adventure
(43,46%), Action (42,3%), Casino (84,3%), Card
(55,7%), Board (75,2%), Family iOS (68,3%), Racing
(47,6%) and Arcade (49,9%). However, Japan has the
strongest position in RPG (51,9%), Simulation
(44,6%), Sports (56,7%), Music (89,5%).
Downloads Revenue
US takes the largest share of downloads among
the selected 6 countries. The most popular genre
is Card (62,4%), followed by Word (58,6%) and
Action (57,3%). France with UK cover a relatively
big share in Word (14,64% and 12,75%), Germany –
in Educational (13,1%), Japan and South Korea – in
RPG (11,58% and 9,55%).

Total revenue and downloads | US, France, Germany, UK, Japan, South Korea

US takes the first position with 1,28B of installs.

US and France show a negative trend compared to Q3,
2022 (-5% and -0,7%), while Germany (+5,6%), UK (+14%),
Japan (+7%) and South Korea (+32%) enjoy growth.
US (2,92B$) and Japan (2,03B$) have generated
significantly more revenue within the chosen group.

All 6 countries cover 59% (6,25B$) of WW revenue in
In total all 6 countries accumulated 2,41B of installs that
is 17,3% of WW rate in gaming.

Top games | Downloads | WW
AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOS32 M8.Ludo King43 M5.Subway Surfers1.*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 8,8 M downloadsMONOPOLY GO!1.7My Talking Tom Friends10. Roblox46,3 M3. Candy Crush Saga2. Free Fire45,3 M4. Football League 202330,3 M9. My Talking Tom 233,4 M7. Royal Match35,2 M6. Survivor!.io9. My Perfect Hotel5. 巅峰极速6,9 M6. 逆水寒6,7 M7. Subway Surfers4. Roblox11,3 M3. 蛋仔派对
6 M10. Royal Match13,2 M2. Magic Tiles 3: Piano Game6,1 M8.

Top games | Revenue | WW
AndroidRevenueRevenueiOS*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 8,8 M downloadsMONOPOLY GO!102,2 M1.Gardenscapes49,9 M8.MONOPOLY GO!104 M6.Pokémon GO8.Gardenscapes74,2 M9.8Pokémon GO6.Coin Master100 M2. ウマ娘 プリティーダービー45,1 M 10. Roblox78,4 M5. Candy Crush Saga82,4 M4. Fate/Grand Order49 M9. Honkai: Star Rail52,2 M7. Royal Match99,8 M3. 王者荣耀407 M1. 逆水寒159 M2. 和平精英139,6 M3. Royal Match105,6M4. Roblox104,4 M5. Candy Crush Saga100,4 M7. モンスターストライク69,3 M10.

Top games | Downloads | US
AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOSRainbow Survivor: Find Daddy2,6 M6.Subway Surfers4.Happy Hospital: ASMR Doctor2,5 M5.MONOPOLY GO!1.MONOPOLY GO!3.*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 3,4 M downloads9Stumble Guys Roblox5,3 M1. Candy Crush Saga2. My Talking Tom 22,2 M10. Block Blast: Puzzle Games2,5 M7. Whiteout Survival1,7 M10. Call of Duty®: Mobile2,2 M7. Wordscapes2 M8. Subway Surfers6. Roblox4 M3. Royal Match4,9 M2. Fishdom1,8 M9. Royal Match3,2 M5. My Perfect Hotel4. Magic Tiles 3: Piano Game2,5 M8.

Top games | Revenue | US
AndroidRevenueRevenueiOSPokémon GO30,6 M6.MONOPOLY GO!70 M1.MONOPOLY GO!49,6 M2.Pokémon GO27,5 M5.10Jackpot Party – Casino Slots20,2 M9. Royal Match61,8 M2. Coin Master42,1 M3. Solitaire Grand Harvest22,3 M 8. Roblox37,8 M5. Candy Crush Saga41,5 M4. Township19,7 M10. Puzzles & Survival7. Roblox54 M1. Royal Match46,5 M3. Candy Crush Saga43,6 M4. Jackpot Party – Casino Slots26,8 M6. Gardenscapes25,7 M7. DoubleDown™ Casino Vegas Slots23,3 M8. Call of Duty®: Mobile9. Coin Master22,8 M10.

AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOSBrain Test: Tricky Puzzles6.ドット勇者 三時のおやつと昼寝付きの冒険
362 K10.5.Top games | Downloads | Japan
11Fishdom422 K8. Roblox403 K9. Woodoku2. Triple Tile: Match Puzzle Game538 K3. Pokémon GO428 K7. アスタータタリクス487 K9. Royal Match792 K1. Survivor!.io465 K5. Survivor!.io3,6 M1.

AndroidRevenueRevenueiOSブルーアーカイブ20,7 M6. Top games | Revenue | Japan
12ウマ娘 プリティーダービー46 M5. ドラゴンクエストウォーク31 M4. ドラゴンクエストウォーク34 M6. Pokémon GO22,2 M10. eFootball™ 202428 M8. ONE PIECE バウンティラッシュ – アクショ
28,7 M7. Knives Out22,8 M9. モンスターストライク69,3 M1. プロ野球スピリッツA53 M2. Fate/Grand Order50,7 M3. パズル&ドラゴンズ(Puzzle & Dragons)46,5 M4. LINE:ディズニー ツムツム17,6 M9. Fate/Grand Order48,9 M1. ドラゴンボールZ ドッカンバトル18,2 M8. ウマ娘 プリティーダービー45,1 M2. モンスターストライク31 M3. プロ野球スピリッツA19,6 M7. プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ!
feat. 初音ミク
16,4 M10. パズル&ドラゴンズ(Puzzle & Dragons)27,8 M5.

AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOS미르: 레볼루션213 K4.6.Top games | Downloads | South Korea
13삼국지 러쉬 Origins : 타워 디펜스470 K1. 픽셀 히어로454 K2. 소녀 에볼루션244 K3. Pokémon Sleep437 K7. Dancing Cats – Music Tiles434 K8. Triple Tile: Match Puzzle Game414 K9. Minigame Party: Pocket Edition10.

AndroidRevenueRevenueiOS나이트 크로우2,8 M나이트 크로우4,6 M Top games | Revenue | South Korea
14아레스 : 100일 기념 특별 이벤트2,2 M Lineage W7,8 M 아키에이지 워2 M 제노니아 Honkai: Star Rail2 M 히트25,8 M FC 모바일 EA SPORTS FC Online M 픽셀 히어로3,6 M 리니지M 오딘: 발할라 라이징2,8 M Whiteout Survival2,8 M FIFA 모바일 메이플스토리M2,3 M Tower of God: NEW WORLD Homescapes 리니지M 리니지2M

Top games | Downloads | France
AndroidDownloadsBrain Test: Tricky Puzzles6.Subway Surfers3.MONOPOLY GO!1,4 M1.MONOPOLY GO!1 M1.*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 349 K downloads15Dice Dreams8. Candy Crush Saga10. Race Master 3D – Car Racing614 K9. Block Blast!871 K5. Royal Match951 K4. Roblox2. My Perfect Hotel2. Royal Match513 K3. Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles4. Idle Survivors: Last Stand387 K5. Roblox6. Subway Surfers7. Plato: Games To Play Together377 K8. Bridge Race295 K9. Idle Bank Tycoon: Money Game295 K10. Magic Tiles 3721 K7.

Top games | Revenue | France
AndroidRevenueRevenueiOSDRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE3,9 M10.Pokémon GO4,6 M7.Clash Royale9.Coin Master2.MONOPOLY GO!8,9 M1.Coin Master1.MONOPOLY GO!3,8 M2.DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE3 M3.Summoners War4.16Lightning Link Casino Slots5 M6. Gardenscapes5,5 M5. Royal Match5,6 M4. Candy Crush Saga2,8 M5. Royal Match2,3 M6. Gardenscapes2 M7. Honkai: Star Rail1,9 M8. Roblox1,8 M9. Homescapes1,7 M10. Roblox4,5 M8. Candy Crush Saga6,1 M3.

AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOSIdle Lumber Empire703 KLudo King661 KSubway Surfers1.MONOPOLY GO!337 K3.Fishdom248 KMONOPOLY GO!1,2 M2.*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 291 K downloadsTop games | Downloads | Germany
17My Perfect HotelGet Color – Water Sort Puzzle657 K Roblox1 M3. QuizzLand. Quiz & Trivia game Block Blast!832 K My Perfect Hotel
407 K1. Royal Match Subway Surfers Idle Survivors: Last Stand230 K Dragonscapes Adventure225 K Spaghetti Break223 K Roblox223 K Block Blast Adventure Mater Royal Match

AndroidRevenueRevenueiOSCoin Master6,7 M1.Pokémon GO4,3 M3 M5 M4,5 M3 M9.Top games | Revenue | Germany
18Royal Match5,9 M2. Gardenscapes4,4 M3. Candy Crush Saga4,3 M4. Clash of Clans2,9 M10.

AndroidDownloadsDownloadsiOSFishdom515 K9.Fishdom472 K1.Geometry Dash Lite553 K8.Subway Surfers716 K5.*Discord – Chat, Talk & Hangout is omitted in iOS ranking with 370 K downloadsTop games | Downloads | UK
19Block Blast!672 K6. Twisted Tangle297 K8. Premier League – Official App412 K6. Gardenscapes283 K9. Subway Surfers280 K10. Roblox426 K5. My Perfect Hotel
543 K3. Royal Match554 K2. Get Color – Water Sort Puzzle573 K7. Roblox911 K2. Rainbow Survivor: Find Daddy492 K10.

AndroidRevenueRevenueiOSSolitaire Grand Harvest2,7 MPokémon GO3,6 MCoin MasterMONOPOLY GO!7 M1.Coin MasterPokémon GO3,4 MFishdom2,4 MMONOPOLY GO!4,7 MTop games | Revenue | UK
20Roblox3,8 M Bingo Blitz™️ – Bingo Games Homescapes2,4 M Gardenscapes2,9 M Royal Match2,7 M Candy Crush Saga Roblox6,2 M Candy Crush Saga Royal Match5 M Gardenscapes3,7 M Homescapes2,8 M Bingo Blitz™️ – Bingo Games

Average Playtime | US21
Android users are more engaged with Card, Word and Board games, whereas the iOS
ones – with Action, Adventure and Board. iOS users spend more time on average playing mobile games (35.77 min vs 29.34 min on Android).

Average Playtime | UK22
Android users are more engaged with Card, Board and Word games, whereas the iOS ones – with Card, Casual and Casino.

iOS users spend more time on average
playing mobile games (40.62 min vs 33.47 min on Android).

Average Playtime | Germany23
Android users are more engaged with Card, Word and Casual games, whereas the iOS ones – with Card, Adventure and Action.

The platform disparity is in favour of iOS with average playtime 41.04 min (vs 33.96 min on Android).

Average Playtime | France 24
Android users are more engaged with Card,
Word and Adventure games, whereas the iOS ones – with Card, Board and Strategy. Only in
France strategy reaches the top-3 ranking on
iOS. France has the smallest average platform discrepancy (3,61 min) and the shortest
average session of 2 platforms combined – 32,19 min.

Average Playtime | Japan 25
Japan shows the longest sessions both on
Android and iOS with Cards on the top: 43.93 min vs 51.02 min.

Average playtime on Android (36.45 min) and iOS (44.48 min) is also on the top.

Average Playtime | South Korea26
Android and iOS users have the same
preferences with Card, Word and Casual taking the first 3 positions. The platform disparity is in favour of iOS with average
playtime 36.17 min (vs 29.34 min on Android).

Highest Playtime Titles | France
AndroidiOSCSR 2 Realistic Drag RacingClash of Clans2.POP! Slots ™ Live Vegas Casino10.MONOPOLY GO!27Solitaire Grand Harvest8. Candy Crush Saga1. Family Island™ — Farming game9. Coin Master Candy Crush Soda Saga9. Candy Crush Saga4. Coin Master Huuuge Casino Slots Vegas 7777. Evony6. Clash Royale1. MONOPOLY GO! Empires & Puzzles: Match 3 RPG8. Klondike Adventures4. Wordscapes10. Dice Dreams™️Dice Dreams™️2. War Robots Multiplayer Battles7.

Highest Playtime Titles | Germany
AndroidiOSMONOPOLY GO!4.MONOPOLY GO!2.6.28Candy Crush Saga7. Solitaire Grand Harvest9. Evony10. Matchington Mansion5. Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary6. Pokémon GO1. Royal Match2. Coin Master8. Dice Dreams™️Dice Dreams™️3. Coin Master1. RAID: Shadow Legends7. Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary8. Zynga Poker ™ – Texas Holdem Game9. War Robots Multiplayer Battles10.

Highest Playtime Titles | UK
AndroidiOSMONOPOLY GO!1.MONOPOLY GO!3.Merge Dragons!5.Gardenscapes4.29Candy Crush Saga2. Evony6. Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary3. DRAGON BALL LEGENDS Coin Master Slotomania™ Slots Casino Games10. EA SPORTS FC™ MOBILE 24 SOCCER10. Royal Match Roblox Dragonscapes Adventure4. Merge Gardens8. Dice Dreams™️ Coin Master YAHTZEE With Budies Dice Game9. Clash Royale7. Zynga Poker ™ – Texas Holdem Game8.

Highest Playtime Titles | US
AndroidiOSGardenscapes7.Clash of Clans4.MONOPOLY GO!1.Clash of Clans2.Gardenscapes10.MONOPOLY GO!2.30Candy Crush Saga5. Roblox Candy Crush Saga3. Roblox Royal Match Evony: The King’s Return6. Coin Master Match Masters – PvP Match 38. RAID: Shadow Legends9. Royal Match Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary6. Coin Master YAHTZEE With Budies Dice Game9. Jackpot Party – Casino Slots10.

Highest Playtime Titles | Japan
AndroidiOSMonster Hunter Now2.Disney Magic Kingdomsドット勇者 三時のおやつと昼寝付きの冒険5.Monster Hunter Now2.モンスターストライク3.モンスターストライク1.31Pokémon GO Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary1. Royal Match4. Survivor.io5. Homescapes ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド7. シャドウバース (Shadowverse)8. Candy Crush Saga9. Huuuge Casino Slots Vegas 777 Candy Crush Saga8. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel9. Knives Out7. Royal Match4. Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary3.

Highest Playtime Titles | KR
AndroidiOS메이플스토리M2.Survivor!.io9.Whiteout Survival4.PUBG Mobile2.Monster Hunter NowHonkai: Star Rail1.32Seven Knights Idle Adventure5. 리니지M1. Royal Match5. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel4. 한게임 포커6. Whiteout Survival7. Gardenscapes Candy Crush Saga9. Dragonscapes Adventure10. Candy Crush Saga10. Gardenscapes Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp7. Royal Match6. Matchington Mansion3.

Key Takeaways33

Key Takeaways34
US takes the first position with 1,28B of installs. US and France show a negative trend compared to Q3, 2022 (-5%
and -0,7%), while Germany (+5,6%), UK (+14%), Japan (+7%) and South Korea (+32%) enjoy growth. In total all 6
selected countries accumulated 2,41B of installs that is 17,3% of WW rate in gaming.
Cards is the most time-engaging genre (average: 41,68 min). It takes the first position in all countries (except for the
US, iOS where Action is placed on the top). The least engaging one is Educational (29.94 min).
Average daily playtime on IOS (38.69 min) is longer than on Android (32.17 min) among the chosen countries. Candy Crush secures its position as the highest playtime titles in all 6 countries. Royal Match and 2 titles by Playrix
(Homescapes or Gardenscapes) are also the leaders making to the top-10 in 5 countries (except for France).
Compared to Q2, 2023: Subway Surfers, Candy Crush Saga, Free Fire Max, Ludo King, Roblox, My Talking Tom 2, My
Talking Tom Friends save their positions as the titles with more downloads on Android. Royal Match and Football
Leagues 2023 join the ranking this time.

iOS: MONOPOLY GO!, Royal Match, Roblox, Subway Surfers, 蛋仔派对 remain in the top-10. My Perfect Hotel, 巅峰极
速, 逆水寒, Magic Tiles 3: Piano Game, Survivor!.io make it to the top in Q3.

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