Q2 2021 Market Snapshot
Download PDFJul, 2021 Market SnapshotJuly 2021US, China & Japan
•Using a Category → Genre → Subgenre hierarchy we are able todifferentiate games in a meaningful way and offer accurate insights for all individual game types currently found in the market•Our taxonomy is created together with industry experts and is based on thorough testing and data-analysis of the marketGameRefinery’sGenre TaxonomyGameRefineryuses a three-layered approach to categorize games
This quarter we’re seeing slight but interesting shifts in the mobile games market. Looking at the genre level, we see that in the US, the Strategy genre is gaining more ground now, nearly neck and neck with Puzzle and Casino, while in Japan, Sports continues to take even more market share. China sees a bit of a trend reversal vs. Q1 with staple genres RPG and regaining some lost market share while shooters see a decline.Supercell saw its strongest quarter in a while, surpassing King in terms of market share driven by the performance of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. The growth of the Sports genre in Japan can in great part be credited to Cygames, who continues to rock the charts with Umamusume Pretty Derbytaking up over 9% of Japan’s market share.As a first for a Snapshot report, in this report, we take a lookat differences between game updates YoY. We’re seeing a 37% increase in the number of feature updates, partly driven by genres such as Strategy (208% increase), where those investments are clearly translating into a growing market share.Short Q2 2021 Market Overview
•In the US, we see that the Puzzle genre has lost market share while Strategy has grown the most. RPG games continue to lose Market Share in Japan while Sports sees a further significant increase in Market share. In China, we essentially see a trend reversal vs. Q1 with staple genres RPG and regaining some lost market share while shooters see a decline.•Supercellhad a strong quarter driven by the performance of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. Cygamescontinues to rock the charts with over 9% of Japan’s market share. Leiting Games nearly doubles its market share in China.•We’re seeing an increasing cadence of feature updates in games with a 37% increase YoY. Live Events –Non-Recurring and Limited IAP offers are the two features that see the most increasing frequency of updates YoY with 143% and 122% increases respectively. More and more games are leveraging these for player engagement and monetization, particularly when it comes to Puzzle, RPG, and Strategy genres.•Looking at what player archetypes mobile games in the US top 200 grossing most appeal to, the situation in Q2 2021 is much the same as it has been for the past few quarters. Archetypes that associate with fast passed action and competing against other players continue their triumph. King of the Hill regains its #2 spot with Skill Master and most highly appealing archetypes seeing a slight dip as games that appeal to other archetypes gain ground in the charts.Key points
Market•Genre market share US, JP, CN•Publisher share and top growth US, JP, CN•Hot games in Soft Launch worth keeping an eye on
Market performance Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2021 (iOS)Key takeaways: 1) In the US, we see that the Puzzle genre has lost market share while Strategy has grown the most. 2) RPG games continue to lose Market Share in Japan while Sports sees a further significant increase in Market share. 3) In China, we essentially see a trend reversal vs. Q1 with staple genres RPG and regaining some lost market share while shooters see a decline.Source: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard
Publisher performance Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2021(iOS)Key takeaways: 1) Supercell had a strong quarter driven by the performance of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale 2) Cygamescontinues to rock the charts with over 9% of Japan’s market share. 3) LeitingGames nearly doubles its market share in China.Source: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard
Hot in Soft launchA few handpicked hot and interesting soft launch games worth keeping an eye onTheclassichorse-themedRPGStarStableOnlineisinsoftlaunchforiOS.ThemobileversionisidenticaltothePCgame,andtheyaredesignedtobefullycross-playcompatible:playerscannowtaketheirhorseswiththemonthego.StarStableOnlinehasanopenworldwhereplayerscanridetheirhorses,completingsimpletasksandquests,aswellasinteractingwithotherplayersinguildsandraces.Thegamehaslotsofcustomizationoptions,andthefocusisongatheringdifferenthorsesandhangingoutinacasualsetting.Thegamemakesuseofpaidsubscriptionmechanicstounlockmanyfeaturesandareasintheworld.OpenWorldRPGswerequiteadrymobilegenreintheUSuntilGenshinImpactjumpedtothetopofthegrossingchartswithitsincredibleproductionvaluesandmassiveopen-worldgameplay.Nowweareseeingmoreandmorebigdevelopersinterestedinthegenre,andoneofthehotupcomingtitlesisMarvelFutureRevolutionfromNetmarble.MarvelFutureRevolutionisanMMORPGwhereplayerscontrolaMarvelHerooftheirliking,playingthroughstorywithbeautifulcutscenes,completingtasks,andexploringthevastopen-worldareasalongwithotherplayers.SimilartothecorestrengthsofGenshinImpact,MarvelFutureRevolutionseemstofocusonhigh-qualitygameplayandfluidcombat.This,combinedwithMarvelIP’sprovenfitforRPGs,candefinitelybeaworkingrecipeforanotherRPGsuccessstoryinthegrossingcharts.BasedonSupercell’sBuild&BattleclassicBoomBeachcomesanewtop-downshootergamefromSpaceApeGamestitledBoomBeach:Frontlines.ThegametakeselementsfromBrawlStarswhilemixingthemwithmoreofashooter–likegameplay,includinglargertacticalteambattles,vehicles,andevenbuildingelements.ThegamefeelslikeBrawlStarsmixedwithBattlefield.Themetaelementsinthegamerevolvearoundcollectingvariouscharacter,vehicle,andbuildingcardsandupgradingthemtogetstrongerinthematches,similarlyto,e.g.,ClashRoyale.Allinall,withBrawlStars-likequalityshootergameplayandaudiovisuals,cardcollectingmetaelementsbringingameaningfulsessiontosessionprogression,andafamiliarSupercellIP,BoomBeach:FrontlinescouldbeatruecontenderandbringtheBoomBeachIPbacktothetop-grossingranks.Boom Beach: FrontlinesStar Stable OnlineMarvel Future Revolution
Features Trends•Must have Engagement features Puzzle, RPGs, Strategy•Mobile game update trends in the US, JP, CN iOS
Must Have Engagement FeaturesLooking at some of the top mobile game genres, here are some of the most important features to include when planning your game’s Engagement Features.For example, a rich live event offering brings fresh content into the game and increases retention and monetization –and all the top puzzle games know this.In Midcore titles such as RPG and Strategy games, special event currency and exclusive live event rewards are effective ways to increase player engagement and session length during the event and “hook” players to the game.PuzzleRPGStrategy* Top Grossing fifth of all Puzzle/RPG/Strategy Games in US, China, JapanSource: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard
Mobile Games US iOSUpdate TrendsSource: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard+37%GameFeature UpdatesYoY(Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2020)GameUpdatesYoY(Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2020)GameUpdatesYoY(Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2020)cadence of feature updates in games with a 37% increase YoY. This is partly expected as, over time, we see that games need to incorporate more and more features to stay competitive in today’s mobile games market.However, there could be more at play here relating to IDFA and attempts to appeal to a broader audience as we see that certain genres are making far more significant investments updating their games with more features, e.g., Strategy on the top end compared to Hypercasualwhere we see a steep decline.
Mobile GamesUS iOSUpdate TrendsSource: GameRefinery SaaS Dashboard+122%Limited IAP Offer FeatureUpdates YoY (Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2020)+190%RPG+188%Strategy+175%+143%Live Events–Non-RecurringUpdatesYoY(Q2 2021 vs. Q1 2020)+63%RPG+245%Strategy+329%We’ve discussed the power of Live Events, and Limited IAP offers before. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that YoY, these are the two features that stand out the most as more and more games are leveraging these for player engagement and monetization, particularly when it comes to Puzzle, RPG, and Strategy genres.Non-recurring Live Events, in particular, are something that have already been hot for a while in China and Japan, but now we’re clearly seeing them make landfall in the west with continuous collabs in games such as PUBG and Roblox.
Motivations•US Market Top 200 Grossing Archetypes•Top Archetypes, their motivations and appealing features
•••GameRefinery’sMotivation Framework
Looking at what player archetypes mobile games in the US top 200 grossing most appeal to, the situation in Q2 2021 is much the same as it has been for the past few quarters.Archetypes that associate with fast passed action and competing against other players continue their triumph. King of the Hill regains its #2 spot with Skill Master and most highly appealing archetypes seeing a slight dip as games that appeal to other archetypes gain ground in the charts.Player Archetypes and Motivations US Market Q2 2021Source: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard22%16%15%13%12%OtherThrillSeekerKing of the HillThinkerSkillMasterTreasureHunter22%
Key takeaways: Shooters mainly appeal to player archetypes that enjoy fast paced action and competitive skill-based gameplay. Men between the ages of 25-44 are the primary audience for these types of games.Source: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard
Key takeaways: Similar to Shooters Sports games also appeal to players looking for exciting competitive skill-based game play but with an even further emphasis on gameplay that requires quick reflexes and provides thrilling moments. Men between the ages of 25-44 are the primary audience for these types of games.Source: GameRefinerySaaS Dashboard
Source: GameRefinerySaaS DashboardKey Takeaways: Casino games appeal to players that look for the thrill of hitting that next jackpot but also players who enjoy the collectable aspects of these types of games.Men and women over the age of 46 are the primary audience for these types of games.
We Know Mobile GamesWe answer not just what is happening on the market butwhy and how it ishappeningFound this report and data interesting? Want to know more about mobile game genres, features and your competitors? Visit our website at www.gamerefinery.comand log in for free!You can also schedule a live demo by contacting yours truly at joel@gamerefinery.comGameRefineryis part of Vungle. Learn more about Vungleat www.vungle.com
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