Gen Alpha & Gen Z – The Future of Gaming

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Sep, 2022 The Future of Gaming
Newzoo Gamer Insights

© Newzoo 2022
, Head of Consumer Insights
Gaming is already one of the world’s most popular pastimes, and there is no doubt that
younger generations will shape the future of gaming. Gen Alpha and Gen Z make up around
one third of the global population, and entertainment industries are competing for their time
and attention.
Unlike other forms of entertainment, gaming fulfills many needs beyond the core activity
itself, especially for those younger generations. Gaming gives them a place for socializing,
connecting, self -expression, immersion, and relaxation. The expansions of virtual worlds, and
the metaverse, is only going to accelerate those trends.
It is not surprising that more and more brands are integrating gaming into their marketing
and brand strategies to authentically connect with younger consumers on platforms where
they spend a substantial amount of their free time.
In this report, we will shine a light specifically on Gen Alpha and Gen Z demonstrating why it
is important to understand how those younger generations engage with video games.
As touched upon in our generations report , younger generations show notable differences to
older generations when it comes to engagement with gaming. Not only do they invest more
leisure time, but they are also more likely to spend money on games and engage with gaming
in many diverse ways outside of playing. Gaming has become part of their everyday lives as
they also look to games for many other reasons.
Newzoo’s Global Gamer Research is the world’s most comprehensive consumer research on
gaming audiences and gaming behavior providing valuable insights into the global gaming
landscape and audiences in 36 markets.

Methodology & Definitions
Key Insights
Gaming is integral in the lives of Gen Alpha and Gen Z
Younger generations are turning to games to socialize
Half of Gen Alpha and Gen Z are spending on games
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Newzoo’s Consumer Insights Games & Esports
Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
February 2022 –April 2022
Representative sample of the online population aged 10 –
65/10 -50 (regional coverage and age scope differs by market).
75,930 respondents across 36 countries/markets. Per
country/market, approx. 2,000 respondents, 3,000 for the United States
and China, and 1,500 for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and United Arabic Emirates.
• Gen Alpha (born 2010 or later / 10-12 y.o .)
• Gen Z (born 1995 -2009 / 13-27 y.o .)
Population that has access to a stable/active internet
Consumers who engage with gaming through playing,
viewing, owning, and/or social behavior.
Those who have played video games on a PC, console, or mobile in
the past 6 months.
Past 6 months players who, on average, spend money on a monthly
basis on games on a PC, console, or mobile device. Spending money includes gifts, downloadable content, subscriptions, and other micro -transactions.
Those who watched live -streamed or pre -recorded gaming video
content in the past 12 months (incl. esports). (=Gaming video content viewers)
Gaming video content viewers that watched esports in the
past 12 months.
United States, CanadaUnited Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Turkiye , Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, India.
Consumer Insights Games & Esports 2022 methodology

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These generations invest a substantial portion
of their free time on video games compared to
the total online population. In fact, 9/10 Gen
Alpha and Gen Z are game enthusiasts*, all
with their own diverse ways of engaging with
the popular pastime.
Across the broad spectrum of gaming
engagement, Gen Alpha and Gen Z engage
notably more than the total population
demonstrating that gaming is much more than
a pastime to these generations. It is a key part
of their everyday lives.
Gaming goes beyond entertainment for Gen
Alpha and Gen Z. It’s a ubiquitous part of life
that’s not only a pastime, but a means of
bringing people together. The social elements
of video games, like communication,
competition, and cooperation are particularly
appealing to these younger generations.
Connection via virtual worlds is a key element
of the metaverse. These younger generations,
already very familiar with and interested in
socializing via gaming worlds, will likely play
an important role in driving demand for the
Compared to the total online population, Gen
Alpha and Gen Z are more likely to spend
money on video games. Spending money on
mobile is most common, and unlocking
content is the top motivator for Gen Alpha and
Gen Z to spend.
Gen Alpha and Gen Z like spending money on
virtual goods. They mostly spend money on in –
game currencies and gear .
1 2 3
*Game Enthusiasts are consumers who engage with gaming through playing, viewing, owning, and/or social behavior
Gen Alpha and Gen Z are game
enthusiasts*, respectively, compared
to 79% of the total online population
of Gen Z are interested in socializing
in in -game worlds beyond game play
in the future (% definitely/probably)
Gen Alpha and Gen Z spend money
on video games, respectively,
compared to 42% of the total online

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Games are among the top sources of entertainment for Gen Z
18% 23%
18% 18%
20% 18% 14%
16% 14% 17%
12% 11% 11%
Base: Total online population
Listening to music/radio/podcasts
Watching broadcast TV
Streaming movies/series
Social networks
Engaging with video games (content) 1
1Engaging with video games / gaming content = Playing video games, viewing gaming video content, creating gaming content or socializing through/visiting gaming communities
Compared to the total online
population, both Gen Alpha and
Gen Z invest more of their leisure
time per week on video games.
Video games are the top
entertainment source for Gen
Alpha and make the top 3 for Gen
Z, following social networks and
streaming movies/series.
This substantial dedication of time
to gaming demonstrates just how
important it is to these younger
generations. Video games play an
important role in the ongoing race
for maintaining attention and
engagement across entertainment
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets). Q. Leisure time spent per week on various activities Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Gen Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659)

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Gen Alpha and Gen Z are more likely to engage across all dimensions
Total players Total viewers Total otherengangement** All 3 Total players Total viewers Total otherengangement** All 3
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Total share of Game Enthusiasts, Total players, Total gaming video content viewers, Those who engage with gaming beyond pl aying/viewing in the past 12 months (% often) Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Gen Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659)
**Other gaming engagement includes those that claim to have “often” followed video gaming channels or esports broadcasters, soc ialized through/visited online gaming communities, discussed video games with family and friends, listened to gaming podcasts, and/or attended large in -person gaming conventions in the past 12 months
Game enthusiasts*
*Game Enthusiasts are consumers who engage with gaming through playing, viewing, owning, and/or social behavior
16 pp 18 pp 16 pp 15 pp 11 pp 16 pp 11 pp 11 pp
Game enthusiasts*
▲ Indicates percentage points (pp) higher than total online population
Total players Total viewers Total otherengangement** All 3
Game enthusiasts*

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Gen Alpha and Gen Z spend significantly more time playing than any other generations
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Players (past 6 months) Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Gen Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659) 10
Most of Gen Alpha and Gen Z who are playing video games engage through their mobile phone. As the platform with greatest acce ssi bility, it’s no surprise that mobile would lead
engagement for these younger groups, just as it does for the total online population. While Gen Alpha and Gen Z also play on PC and console more so than the total population, there is
one notable difference: This is likely related to franchises such as Mario and Fortnite –console -first games -being
most popular among Gen Alpha.
Base: Total online population
Average play time/week

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Esports is a popular means of engagement, with 1/3 viewing related content compared to 1/4 of the total online population
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q: Gaming video content viewers (P12M), Esports Segmentation, Motivation to watch gaming video content Base: Gen Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Alpha Viewers (n= 2,656) ; Gen Z (n=25,659), Gen Z Viewers (n=17,927)
When they’re not actively playing,
Gen Alpha and Z are using their
devices to watch gaming
content. Viewing gaming content is
notably more popular among these
generations compared to the total
online population where just over half
are viewers (52%).
Viewing for these generations takes
on many forms: Watching Esports,
getting ideas on ways to play, seeing
high -level gameplay, and learning
from others.
With so many ways to watch, viewing
can be a valuable channel of
communication with these highly
engaged generations.
Total Viewers
Rated 5, 6, or 7 out of 7
Get ideas on things to do in
games and new ways to play
Learn from other
(professional) players
See high -level gameplay /
Total Viewers
Rated 5, 6, or 7 out of 7
See high -level gameplay / skills
Get ideas on things to do in
games and new ways to play
Learn from other (professional)
*Esports Audience: Gaming video content viewers that watched esports in the past 12 months.

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Indicates pp difference to total online population Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Appealing features of games Base: Gen Alpha players (n=3,415), Gen Z players (n =22,970)
While also highly appealing to Gen Alpha, multiplayer and social aspects top the list of appealing elements for Gen Z
Base: Gen Alpha players, Gen Z players | Top 5 out of 14
Video games are no longer simply a source of entertainment, but a vehicle for connection among these younger generations. Loo kin g beyond the importance of social elements in
games, there are key differences between what Gen Alpha and Gen Z value when picking up a new game. For Gen Alpha, character cus tomization and creation is a must –and is
considered significantly more appealing than to Gen Z or the total online population. For Gen Z, a strong narrative or story hol ds particular weight –while barely making the top 8
appealing aspects for Gen Alpha.
Exploration of open worlds
Game theme or setting
Multiplayer and social
Extensive character
customization and creation
Puzzle solving aspects
Multiplayer and social aspects
Exploration of open worlds
Game theme or setting
Strong narrative or story
Game art style

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These various aspects of socializing via games are of particular importance to Gen Alpha and Gen Z
Rated 5, 6, or 7 out of 7 in terms of importance
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Importance of social features: Ability to socialize with other players/friends, Ability to compete with other players/frie nds , Ability to cooperate towards a common goal with other players/friends Base: Total players (n=60,020), Gen Alpha players (n=3,415), Gen Z players (n =22,970)
During the pandemic, video games became a popular platform for social interactions no longer possible in our day -to-day lives. W hile for many of us, the lockdowns and
social isolation associated with the pandemic are no more, .
This connection is of particular importance to Gen Alpha and Gen Z, who find all social features in games important to their ove rall experience. These younger groups lead
the way in terms of the role of gaming in our lives and how games will further shape the future of the metaverse.

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Attending a social get -together with friends
Watching a film or TV show
Hosting special events
Getting together with family to catch up
Attending a party, festival or dance club
Learn more about the
metaverse and Web
3.0 in our free
% Interested /Very interested | Top 5 out of 11 Base: Gen Z ( aged 14-27*)
Players socializing in game worlds
is one of the factors that has led to
Big Tech’s infatuation with the
metaverse. Now,
Zooming in on Gen Z specifically,
we see that 7 in 10 are interested
in socializing in game worlds
beyond play in the future, further
emphasizing the important role
these younger groups will play in
driving demand for the metaverse.
As socializing in games catalyzes the metaverse, Gen Z players and non -players turn to these worlds for connection
Source: Newzoo Metaverse Sentiment Survey May 2021 (Weighted average across 4 markets: US, UK, CN, JP)Q. Socializing in game worlds, Potential future interest in socializing in game worlds, Interest in in -game activities Base: Total online pop Gen Z (aged 14 -27) (n=1,839); Please note, this study only covered ages 14 -50 (Gen Alpha not included)*
of Gen Z are definitely or probably interested in socializing in game worlds beyond play in the future
of Gen Z often or occasionally get together in game worlds, not while playing the main game

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The top platform for their spend is also the most popular for play: Mobile
Mobile Payers Console Payers PC Payers Mobile Payers Console Payers PC Payers
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Payers (past 6 months) Base: Total sample (n=75,930), Gen Alpha (n=3,693), Gen Z (n=25,659)
Payers Payers
Base: Total online population
Mobile Payers Console Payers PC Payers

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Personalization of game experience follows closely behind as a driver for spend
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. Main reasons to spend money on video games Base: : Gen Alpha payers (n=1,913), Gen Z payers (n =13,260)
Unlock extra / exclusive playable
Personalize characters or things
built in -game
For a sale / special offer / good
Play with friends or family
Advance quicker / easier in the
Unlock extra / exclusive playable
Personalize characters or things
built in -game
Play with friends or family
Advance quicker / easier in the
For a sale / special offer / good
While unlocking content is the top motivator for Gen Alpha and Z to spend money on games, there are numerous drivers for thes e g enerations to spend. Similar
to the total online population, these –whether it be personalization or
Base: Gen Alpha Payers, Gen Z Payers | Top 5 out of 13

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In-game currencies
Playable characters
or heroes
In -game currencies and gear top items for both Gen Alpha and Gen Z to spend money on
Playable characters
or heroes
In-game currencies
Source: Newzoo CI Games & Esports 2022 (Global weighted average across 36 markets) Q. In -game items/virtual goods spent money on (past 6 months)Base: Gen Alpha payers (n=1,913), Gen Z payers (n =13,260)
With the rise of free -to-play
(F2P) games in recent years, in –
game purchases have become
increasingly common. This trend
is particularly evident among
Gen Z and Gen Alpha, among
whom in -game purchases are
nearly a given.
Game publishers and developers,
especially of F2P titles, need to
ensure they are creating
worthwhile opportunities for
these generations to part ways
with their (or their parent’s)
money. Striking the correct
balance for such opportunities
in-game without negatively
impacting gameplay will
continue to be a major challenge
as we move further away from
the Pay -to-play games model.
Base: Gen Alpha Payers, Gen Z Payers

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Profile Gamers in your Target Markets with the Most Comprehensive Games Research Based on 75,000+ Consumers
Metrics tracked Consumers Surveyed Game Franchises
A Residential Developed Approach methodology is used in AR, BR, CL, CN, CO, EG, IN, ID, MY, MX, PH, RU, SA, ZA, TH, TR, AE, a nd VN. The results for these markets are representative of active internet users in residential developed areas in respective countries/markets. InCN results are representative of the population in Tier 1 and 2 cities.
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