Summer Games Done Quick Raises $2.3m For Médecins Sans Frontières

? Donation
Digital event for speedrunners Summer Games Done Quick 2020 Online has raised $2.3m for Médecins Sans Frontières (also knowns as Doctors Without Borders)
Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons, where speedrunners stream their playthroughs to raise money for charity needs
Since 2010 and till 2015, Games Done Quick events were held by Speed Demos Archive — a website dedicated to video game speedruns
In 2015, Games Done Quick LLC started holding the event independently
Summer Games Done Quick is an annual week-long marathon, held every summer since 2011
Because of the pandemic, Summer Games Done Quick 2020 was held online via Twitch
The Twitch broadcast lasted from August 16 to August 23, reaching 107,500 concurrent viewers at its peak
All speedruns recordings can be found on GDQ official Youtube channel
Over the last 10 years, Games Done Quick has raised over $27m for charity, donating to such organisations as Médecins Sans Frontières, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Direct Relief, AbleGamers, and Organization for Autism Research
GDQ has already announced its next marathon Fleet Fatales. This is an all women speedrunning marathon, which is going to take place on November 15th – 21st, 2020
Month ago, Médecins Sans Frontières received a $1m donation from Thatgamecompany
? Recent Events
In January 2020, Awesome Games Done Quick marathon in Orlando, Florida, raising $3.16m for Prevent Cancer Foundation, which is a GDQ record
In July 2019, GDQ held its previous Summer Games Done Quick marathon in Bloomington, Minnesota, raising $3.04m for Médecins Sans Frontières
In September 2019, GDQ raised $152.6k for AbleGamers Foundation through its second Games Done Quick Express event — an annual 4-day marathon being held during the TwitchCon
In April 2020, GDQ held its special digital event Corona Relief Done Quick, raising $402.6m for Direct Relief, to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic